Friday, November 29, 2019

It's ALL GOOD (and portal talk;)

This . . . AS ALWAYS! . . . is a good time to be alive!  LIFE!  Being alive . . . in a material realm--THIS God-given "material realm", with its pain, joy, sweat, suffering, Savior, intrigue, learning, animals, heat, snow, mountains, the ocean, kids, relationships, disease, worry, faith, nighttime, morning, coffee, water, mexican food, fruit, insects, flowers, wind, stillness, thoughtfulness, finagling, straightening up, creatures, supernatural occurrences, being young, getting old, being midway, books, trinkets, collectibles, family history, world history, ancient greece, rome, the american revolution, hmmmm.....ok, I draw the line at SJWs lol... BUT YOU GET MY POINT!   😙

[p.s. ... lest we get too high on our horses--oh! horses btw, another great thing in this world! They're like dogs--designed to be a man's best freind!.... ANYWAY, there is nothing new under the "sun"..... OH... and btw.. re the "sun" ... I am starting to ponder . . . that it is actually a PORTAL--a hole and glimpse into the light and life-giving power and heat of God's Kingdom/Heaven--but that's another matter... ;)] ....more on that later, perhaps.


ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

Yeah, the sun, the Son...
Does make one think, ponder and wonder...
I'm beginning to get the feeling that we should reconsider and re-think the programming we acquired from our school-day classes... And, un-learn (deprogram) from some of the info forced upon us by school teachers... I think, in order to find TRUTH, we need to start questioning a lot of things and start thinking for ourselves... To be like a child again with curiosity and trust in the Everlasting (the Most High)...
You may be onto something about that portal thingy...

Peace and many blessings,

Mark said...

About the sun .Anitialy I got"kinda glitchy" .It seems that the sun will be having it's effects on the Earth's magneto sphere,computers,and minds of people .For example two pilots in Oklahomawere practicing movers when both of the Jets crashed .One crashing upside down!it's under investigation but someone or something (a puter) lost orientation to the earth . This sort of thing is odd .Or the Max jet's come to mind .I was also shown some human beings with their minds"wiped clean" like computers have hard drives humans have brains that opperate electrically .... glitchy!

Brother Thomas ©2005

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