Sunday, September 1, 2024

Coming Soon, No freeSpeech BUT FOR Faith in God/In The Holy Spirit

[forgive me... I wanted to get this out asap... I will proof-read, correct if needed, typos, grammar etc...but meantime.. just felt impressed to quick relate it out to you]


Oy vey... (well, and I use that term loosely and sparingly, and with some slight intent)... but it isn't too bad for a term of knowing exasperation/wits end. . . .

Meanwhile . . . I have so much to say. . . . And am as I dare, having had seen that the eventual, inevitable clamp-down on free thought/expression . . . will increasingly take out Truth tellers. . . .  As I've long said, that's how it always goes.  I do, (sadly indeed) expect just the same here coming up where the last vestiges of (relative) freedom still exist.  

It has long been obvious to me, where this trajectory is going, in basic terms of geo-political events; which is . . . what I warned of . . . spoke and wrote about . . . global "communist" totalitarianism.  WHICH, is just another term for . . . the beast system described in Revelation.

. . . .Watching, knowing, seeing, hearing, experiencing etc., what's going on and where we are NOW at in the flow of life 2024. . . . AND having pretty much have laid it all out. . . and seeing the horde on the horizon--blood-curdling war yelps in the distance (as ya do, when raiding a "village" with overwhelming odds and excited for the bounties/booty) I'm here still shouting (quietly, lol) from the watchtower . . . AND WILL so long as God wills! 

Well, and I SO appreciate you fellow, longtime suffering servants . . . and those of you who have supported through prayer . . . interest . . . hard-earned ____ .... love and friendship, based IN THE LORD OF ALL, through all these years so far!   I would call you by name . . . BUT no need, as you know I know and appreciate you and have for--dare I say?--yes I do SAY . . . ETERNAL TIME! 

(Sorry if, yet again, being a little cryptic, but . . . that also is how is goes . . . has likewise gone . . . when the hordes and the invader comes in to "steal, kill and destroy".)

I pray for hours a day.  I suspect EVERY Believer does as well, especially now, with the smoky, fiery, teeming horde dust on the horizon . . , let alone, the inner life and the various assaults and attacks there (which are connected to those visible).

FAITH .... NEVER FORGET!  AND CONTINUE TO PURSUE THE DEEP MEANING AND IMPORT OF THIS WORD OF GOD: "Without faith it is impossible to please God." --Heb. 11:6


Meditate and ponder and pray about that directive!  AND this further information (EVERY WORD OF GOD IS ETERNALLY RELEVANT AND CHERISHED!)

"They" can shut down extroverted "free speech" . . . BUT "they" cannot subvert or control or rule FREE SPEECH IN THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD--THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN!  

YES.... "they" will try to so corrupt your mind and soul and brain and body, such that, you forget the Words of God and fail to apprehend or Hear The Holy Spirit (IF it were possible--it's NOT! for The Elect, take heart!)......... SO always be aware of the various programs and games and smoke and mirrors designed (within and without) to distract and divert you FROM THE SIMPLE TRUTH and LOVE OF GOD .... THAT YOU KNOW!  

It is a strait and narrow path.  The MORE distraction and manipulation (physically, spiritually, mentally etc.) that "they"/the enemy does . . . there is also the contrast becoming more obvious and achievable . . . between all of that evil intent VERSUS the pure, Good, lovely, divine presence and purpose of THE ONE TRUE HOLY GOD OF ALL.

Meditate, ponder/pray upon what He means by "the SUBSTANCE OF THINGS" . . . in this following snippet of Holy Scripture.  From my experience, for what it's worth, it is one of THE (among the many!) most Spiritually guiding and KEY passages, insights . . . into this . . . and the next experience of reality.... 


  the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings Dear Bro. T.,
Yes.. That is certainly quite a snippet. It's very deep. I've always wondered and pondered over what "substance" refers to in this verse (Hebrews 11:1). I always thought of something physical in nature. However, I decided to look this word online to see what the dictionary says, in part:
"The most important part or idea of what is said or written; the essence or gist."
" That which is real or practical in quality or character; practical value."
"Significance or importance."
And then there's that word "evidence" which causes some confusion for me.
"A thing or set of things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment."
" Something indicative; an indication or set of indications."
" The means by which an allegation may be proven, such as oral testimony, documents, or physical objects."
It seems to boil down for me that faith is about believing and trusting that the Lord and His kingdom is real and what He has said is truth. It goes beyond our physical senses of seeing, hearing and feeling. It's about understanding that something very special awaits true believers after this physical incarnation. Well, anyways, I will keep on thinking this one over and over.

Peace, Love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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