Sunday, August 25, 2024

Suffering Servant

 "Can we read, believe, ponder seriously the wonderful advantages of the Cross, and the great merit of suffering, here described, and not love to suffer, to receive crosses from the hands of Jesus Christ, and submit to endure whatever He pleases, and as much as He pleases, since to suffer much, and in a proper manner, is absolutely requisite for salvation, and is the most tender and efficacious effect of the goodness of God towards us, who does not spare us the pains of time that He may spare us those of eternity.

"It is to bear the visible character of the predestinate, which, according to St. Paul, consists in our resemblance to Jesus Christ, a humble, suffering, and persecuted God; it is to render ourselves worthy of His life of glory, by participating in His life of suffering; it is to efface the punishment due to our sins by perfect repentance; it is to gain the heart of Jesus Christ, merit His love, avenge Him, and punish ourselves, honor Him by our destruction, and prefer His good pleasure before our own satisfaction.

"Shall this not console thee under affliction, and animate thee to bear it with becoming resignation?

"Say, then, in the time of suffering, in order not to fail, 'Hell, which I have deserved, is something more horrible than anything I can now endure; my Savior has suffered much more for me; and heaven is worth infinitely more than I can undergo.'"  --T. A'K.


This attitude and thought . . . is and should remain foundational, as we exist within troubled times and persecution; especially as such intensifies.  Keep your eye and heart and intention of The Prize!

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