Saturday, September 7, 2024

Who Is "главный враг" "Glavny Vrag"?

 I think it was roughly a year or so ago I mentioned a sort of "flash vision" in the night which came with a sense of dread, where I Saw multiple "terrorist" attacks in multiple cities, near simultaneously across the country.  I've seen lately increasing "chatter" about that exact thing now being expected--even coming from certain high level law enforcement leaders "in the know".  When I Saw it unfold, it came also with an ominous feeling/knowing of inevitability.  

So, just bear that in mind, stay alert in large gatherings, events.  

I had another (what I've long termed) a "flash vision" last night.  This one was likewise brief, but intense and came with that same sense of inevitability.  In this one, I also Saw a wide-view of the whole country, border to border.  There was a sort of invisible barrier around the country, as in, it was closed off.  The country had, in essence, become one giant, geographical prison/gulag.

I've always been a bit suspicious of "the wall" and thought it ultimately is not meant to keep others out, but to keep us within. . . .

We are already in a sort of medium level prison here in the U.S., subject to arbitrary law enforcement and what is happening with the criminal population is exactly what happened in the final stages when the USSR took over a country.  Criminals, sadists, sociopaths etc., were let loose to terrorize the populace, mildly punished, if at all punished, and many of them actually were conscripted to oppress the people within and without the ubiquitous gulag prison system.  Simultaneously, "thought-crimes" and minor mistakes and infraction (peoples' actions or speech deemed against "the party") were punished brutally, lethally.  We see this already happening, and has been for several years now.

All of the usual stages of communist takeover/conquer have happened and are increasingly in intensity, as they always do.  First, comes infiltration, subversion of the institutions, churches, civil and community organizations. Meantime, also a constant barrage of perversion of morals, re-writing patriotic traditions/history--destroying statues, defaming founders/historic heroes etc., and throwing calumnies and accusations and even charging crimes against any who dare to still support such.  Also, a long term ongoing action is to get the native population to begin mis-trusting, despising, hating their own government, so that the conquering "liberators" are seen as heroes coming in to save the day.  This has been going on for decades.

In the final stages, someone like ie., a Trump type character who represents a return to country tradition, morays is allowed to present an alternative to the ongoing destruction of the increasingly brainwashed/targeted portion of the population and intelligentsia.  This is so that those who support at return to ie.,, "make America great again" . . . expose themselves, such that, when the more brutal, mass clamp-down and round-ups/oppression happen, they will be easily identified and and dealt with.  for these are to be "enemies of the state", of "democracy" of "peace", "unity" etc.

One of the other things to watch for, which mentioned some years ago here--and it is a red flag that we are very close to the full-blown and open takeover, is when prominent "freedom" voices, patriotic leaders--whether in media or politics--start being overtly targeted and either assassinated or incarcerated.  This has already been happening in a few cases.  Some of the upcoming cases will be shocking and will cause widespread outrage.  Although, such outrage will only serve to re-emphasize the point that these "patriotic" types, civilians, are violent and dangerous also and likewise need to be dealt with (incarcerated, exterminated etc.)

Before long, people of conscience, who have wakened to the real tyranny/occupation underway, whether people of prominence or regular concerned citizens, will become terrified and fearful to speak or act out at all.  With the advent of ubiquitous "listening/watching" technology within and without houses . . . it will be difficult to even whisper one's concerns and near impossible to organize any kind of resistance.

The foreboding part nowadays, is that it is now a global tyranny.  There is nowhere left to go that hasn't been already conquered.  It has been a century long strategic march political and moral subversion, infiltration, corruption, with the cherry (America) now about to be consumed.

I also predicted (about 18 years ago) that one day Russia would be seen as the beacon of freedom and traditional values and that they may be portrayed as potential liberators, such that even conservatives and patriots would look to them for rescue from our liberal, left-wing, corrupt government.  That has happened, and is ongoing.  Don't be fooled.  And don't forget that the bulk of the subversion, infiltration, corruption of the country has been directed from Moscow for decades.

I do expect eventual invasion, occupation (portrayed as liberators/protectors of peace/democracy) from China, Russia perhaps in coordination with the UN. . . .

At it's core, it is a spiritual battle.  These are the foot soldiers of the devil.  Hence, why Christianity, Christians and the Bible are главный враг "glavny vrag" ("main enemy" in Russian).

How to prepare?  

Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ . . . and in nothing be ye terrified by the adversaries: which to them is a cause of perdition, but to you of salvation, and this from God.  For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer on His behalf.  --Phil. 1:27-29

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