Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Total Warfare revisited (what to do?)

Years ago, warning of these very days we are in and about to get into deeper, I wrote and spoke about the military conquest concept/strategy of "total warfare". 

The "takeover", the conquest has already happened at the highest levels.  Then purging of next highest levels, down to middle management, fairly well complete.  Now, enough of the masses, hoi poloi . . . have been indoctrinated into the party line, agitated to hair-trigger violence, in order to cause street level mayhem and cow the remaining targeted native population into compliance, fear, trepidation, paralysis. . . . 

Meanwhile attacking through food, drugs, perversion of family and traditional (God-ordained) ordered hierarchies . . . plus, a well-oiled and ubiquitous surveillance state (ie., like when in the Soviet Bloc, people were afraid to speak above whispers inside their own homes, lest the dreaded vans and truncheons showed up in the middle of the night)....  Only now with the added advantage of ubiquitous spying technology, which is always listening, watching, recording. (ie., like how Ceausescu in Romania issued "free" state produced television sets to the people . . . which just happened to have recording devices installed, such that... while you're watching, listening to TV, it--the state--is watching and listening to you!)

AND just good old-fashioned bribed or coerced operatives/neighbors/family/friends listening and ready to turn you in for "incorrect thinking" ...... Yes, all very 1984ish. . . . .

What I love and believe (according to The Word) is that GOD is THE "OO"!  He is the ORIGINAL OMNISCIENT . . . and it is He Who is recording, noting, watching, listening to ALL.  (Hence why the pretender/rebel is attempting to mimic the same.  It was what I relayed Seeing . . . regarding my "electronic fence" interviews with Zeph mid-2000s. . . .

It's also what my song "Tri-borg Monstrosity" is about.  They/It/He/She/Baphomet trying to copy the surrounding and ubiquitous, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipresent presence and power of the triune God.

Anyway, I digress a bit....

I'm seeing the term "unrestricted warfare" popping up in social media, X, especially.  Patriot watchers have caught on to how 360degrees (what I called "total warfare) warfare is well under way and entering the final stage, "final solution".  Related to that, we are seeing civilian reports of compounds, camps, foreigners of some sort (military age, shape and size) scattered about the countrysides, hidden, stocking up . . . getting ready for "the word" to go mayhem on the native populace.

One day (I suspect it will be a precursor to what I once saw and called "the day of slaughter", or it may actually be that) these cells will activate.  Right now they are consolidating, jacking-up, getting comms established, getting ready.

I truly hope I am wrong. 

Problem is, everything I thought was going to happen, is. . . . The way I thought and saw it would look like . . . does.

The simple, good, hard-working people are so distracted and beset with basic survival, that they have no time to see these developments under their noses.  The enemies/Enemy use this basic naivete' to justify their oncoming conquest.  As in, to themselves, they think, "If you are so stupid and easily distracted and emasculated and cowed and drugged up and perverted . . . well then, you kinda get what you deserve!"

It has been this way through the centuries.  This is how conquest happens.  An angry, retaliatory violent, focused and determined cabal/cadre can easily wipe away the chap of a degenerate, corrupt, complaisant, Godless state/country/tribe/people. . . .

It's not rocket science.  It's old conquest strategies that work and have worked through the ages.

SO, seeing and have had seen for a long time now . . . what to do?  That is what everyone asks and thinks and wonders about and prays about, daily.  I know I do!  AND HAVE . . . for years, knowing/seeing what's coming. . . .

The Enemy is in (temporary) control and stewardship of this world, at the time.  We know this, because it is Written.

We also have the "cheat sheets" . . . given to His Own . . . to have a heads up on how it WILL go.

THAT is what I always go back to, regarding ie., how to prepare, what to do, what not to do, what to expect.

[sidenote: NOT EVERYONE . . . but most everyone . . . I see "succeeding" in the world, I am suspect of.  THEY should be suspect of their "success".  More times than not, one ends up "paying the piper" in the end.  Which "end" is what everyone should be bearing in mind.  What is the point of it all?  Where does one go after this life?"]

Just yesterday, these verses came to me, as I was praying, pondering, wondering, imploring my Lord what to do and asking for comfort and guidance, but submitted to WHATEVER HIS WILL IS FOR ME AND MY FAMILY (He gave to me). . . . . .

This is what He said:

-----"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death."

(That right there is exactly what happened during the "cultural revolution" in China under Mao.  Children turned on their elders, their very parents.  AND it has happened over and over and over, going back to the Garden)

-----"You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

(By this He, as always. reminds me of The Prize, The Crown of Glory . . . that He lovingly shares with HIS Family.  This life is short, a wisp in the wind, the grass withers and the flowers fall--there is a time for all things in His Order.  Submitted and trusting, with all the faith I can muster, I continue to look and hope for, yearn for the Glorious end . . . which is actually the beginning of all that is good, lovely, perfect, within His Will.  For those who persevere.)

-----"When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes."

("through the towns of Israel" means . . . through His chosen peoples' places.  And, as a Christian, that means, through those places, homes, areas, where Believers still exist amidst the destruction.  The Holy Spirit will guide as needed, as He wills you to survive and thrive, as Willed. . . . Well, and one of my longest running prayers, imploring's, deep as can be . . . is praying to be Given "LOVE OF GOD".

(We are natural enemies, haters of God.  All that is Good, Glorious . . . "successful" . . . "well done, my good and faithful servant" . . . comes from having being bestowed, through His grace, LOVE OF GOD!  

(My wife, thank God, has a similar bottom-line prayer amidst the storms, "let me be found to be in the center of Your Will."

(THESE answers to that nagging question of "what to do", "what do we do" . . . are not of this world, and nothing you can manufacture, nor "work"-at, through, ie., showing philanthropic good works, no matter how they may temporarily benefit others.  The Holy Spirit says to the lonely, scared, beset child of God.... PRAY FOR LOVE OF GOD!  PRAY, YEARN, CRAVE to have a burning, dedicated, sold-out LOVE OF GOD ABOVE ALL!  PRAY, SEEK TO BE GIVEN THE STRENGTH TO BE FOUND IN THE CENTER OF HIS WILL!  HELP!)

-----“The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master."  --Matt. 21-25


Roger said...

Greetings Bro. T.,

I certainly take Matthew 10:21 to heart. Very much so! I've gotten to the point where I generally don't trust anyone. And that includes others which I've known for years. One can never know for sure where shared information will lead to? Some people I know are truly naive about how the machinations of this system works. Like my one friend who denies that there could possibly be a spy in his church. Zeph said years ago that churches have someone there taking notes and compiling dossiers on all the members. On the other hand, there is always a Judas or Brutus lurking in one's circles. I'm also quite leery of the soy-boy/beta-male types. When "s" hits the fan, they will be of no help to anyone including their family members. My rule of thumb is to never write anything which you don't want the public to read. This includes texting and certain key words or trigger words which the listening algorithms will catch. Smart phones and smart tv's are quite dangerous when it comes to eavesdropping by intelligence firms. A smart man explained some years ago that there is about 50 to 100 words which will activate their surveillance algorithms. And how these words are arranged in sentences too.
Another thing I learned is that once a TI you are always a TI. Even after all these years, I still will notice an occasional person which sends an uneasy feeling into me. I narrowed this down to 3 types: An organized stalker, someone that has a demon in him/her and wants to know how spiritual you are, or possibly an entity coming through a portal for a brief time. All with a mission to monitor.
Yes, I remember what you and Zeph said about electronic fences. Someone I have listened to on YT some years ago called it an electronic panopticon.
I listened to an interesting Spreaker show the other day. Perhaps you have heard of this or maybe not. It's called Pig Butchering. This is a phrase for fattening up someone for a kill. A financial kill via cryptocurrency! It seems that it got started back in 2020 when the Covid scare was going on. It's run out of Southeast Asia. What happened was that people stopped going to casinos to gamble (Thailand), so the crime syndicate switched their plan to creating apps and fake financial accounts. It seems that human trafficking is part of it too. A person can find a lot of horror stories online of how people have been fooled and victimized by these con artists. Plus, there's a plethora of information how they operate.
Well, I guess it's time for me to wrap up my long-winded writing? I just thought I would contribute some of my penny's worth of insights for your readers....

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Anonymous said...

We hold the line.

There is nothing else to do for a one who loves the Lord and the Truth.

Just hold the line, Believers. In joy and with God's authority. Do what he puts in front of you and hold the line.


Brother Thomas ©2005

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