Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Beware the Chasm (updated)


There is a giant, vast, un-leapable chasm . . . between the depths of our sin and depravity compared to the Holiness of God Almighty.  

Many are casually assuming they have done some good works, enough to get a pass. . . .

If you have been graced with experiencing the gift of The Holy Spirit, The Spirit Of Truth, The Comforter, Advocate . . . then you have experienced the lies blanketing this fallen world, beset on all sides, BUT, yet comforted in the Knowledge . . . of . . . what is called Heaven . . . in The Book.

It is truly sorrowful to witness how many are deluded and not graced and given such Knowledge.  HENCE why so many believers continue to preach, missionary, share as can, stake their lives on shouting from the rooftops THE GOOD NEWS! . . . The un-awakened are bereft of the Awe-full Truth and Glory of this reality/situation we find ourselves in.  I truly don't wish it on the worst of the worst (that includes me!)

Oh yes, He is a Personal and Awesome Lord!  Beyond all words, (though I thank God He gave us His Word(s)!)  The Lord of All!  It never fails to "blow my mind"!  Since early on . . . He "blows my mind"!  (Sorry to use seemingly apparently crass terminology.)  But He does and always has since a child.  

The Creator . . . of ALL?  YES! Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent!!! GOD!  

So, every thought, action, movement . . . Observed, Noted . . . AND I dare say, DESIGNED! For He is sovereign over all.  Alpha And Omega.

Fall on face worship is all there is . . . for the gifted worm--the least!  [ "I am the poorest of Your servants and a wretched worm, far more poor and worthless than I can ever realize or express. Yet, Lord, remember that I am nothing: I have nothing, and can do nothing."--Thomas A'kempis]

I have no question or confusion . . . about how His angels can and do and always have . . . sung His praises constantly and ongoing (but for the rebel ones, who wanted their own glory).

I yearn, pray for, and hope to witness and be a part of that glorious chorus!  FOR EVER!  

It is not one bit confusing or suspect to me . . . to consider that HEAVEN is utterly centered on, about and around, ALL ABOUT the glory and love and awe of God, THE CREATOR OF ALL!  And I pray and yearn . . . to be graced to be there doing that.]



1 comment:

Roger said...

Greetings Dear Bro. T.,

WOW. Blogger got a face-lift. A new way to enter and write notes. Well, anyways, I hope this come through without a hitch?
A totally great "update" and straight on the mark. I still remember what you discussed with the Lord during your visit. You asked Him how He could find the time to visit with everyone simultaneously? He replied, "I Am time." I just can't get this out of my mind. What an impact it made on me! So, wrapping one's head around timelessness and eternity is certainly something quite difficult to grapple with (at least from an earthly prospective).
It's also mind-blowing to think about the dichotomy between being a "worm" and yet more valuable then "many sparrows" in the eyes of the Lord. I think it's about being humble (meek) in who we are and at the same time recognizing how incredible and awesome the Creator is in everything as described in the book of Psalms and elsewhere.
Maybe it's just me? But I don't have that feeling of being sorry for those whom are not graced with all of this special and spiritual knowledge or understanding. In my possible myopic point of view, all of this information is available to anyone who wants to gravitate towards it. It's about choices. On the other hand, maybe it's desire or a passion that is written on certain hearts from a very early beginning? Time (the I Am) will tell (us)? I guess I developed this point of view from studying 2nd Esdras? Uriel did explain the difference between these two kinds of souls to Ezra.
Well, I got to head out and run errands... Ugh...

Peace, Love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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