Friday, July 5, 2024

In The World, Not Of It

Mystical philanthropy.  

The Buddhists, zen dudes . . . "christian" monks ... nuns in nunnery's . . . any of the multitude of those who are seeking to push off and avoid suffering in this world--ie., like the Buddha ("life is suffering"), Siddhartha . . . etc,. . . . .

They run off and hide. They go to monasteries or sit under bodhi trees meditating..... and hide from the world.  

Well, but . . . if you pull that scheme long enough, pretty soon the hoi polloi (common folk) will come admire . . . and start throwing money at you.  And then cheap hookers in the back--"temple prostitues".

Yes, maybe you started out with roughly intelligent good intentions--seeking God, the truth, sorting out what the meaning of life is...... 

And so, they get get caught up in the world, but with a pretense of transcendental purpose.  Meanwhile, it is the same old thing.  Just busking.

I respect the old coal minor, or trash collector making a buck . . . more than that ""religious"  pretense.

So, the fakers, phonies, go along, get on with the world (the devil) . . . get some pay . . . and then, to assuage their guilty conscience (for the Holy Spirit is always within and warning) they will ascribe to "causes" of the day. 

It's been like this . . . since the Garden fall.

Nothing new under the circling sun.

MEANWHILE . . . Those who transcend and Hear and Love the One AND ONLY GOD OF ALL . . . Who came in the flesh . . . and suffered (incomprehensibly suffered for and to us miniscule creatures/beings) for our stumbling, bobbling, stupid, weak, fallen sake!

. . . . WE GLORY that GOD IS REAL!  WE have faith and hope and joy, persistence, pressing on. . . .  for the ultimate glorious future in eternity!


In GLORIOUS HEAVEN made for such!  He loves us, HE IS LOVE!

This place is rough.  

It has been since the dummy and the other dummy fell for the fruit/false promise and relinquished to the temptation of THE WORLD> the tempter, to the enemy, to the devil.

Those who DID suck the fruit, got and took in temptation, against God's warnings and commands . . . they then go on to practice superficial (world renowned) acts of "philanthropy".   EVEN THE MONKS AND NUNS all around the world . . . will justify to themselves, they are meditating and praying for the world.... AS they get gifts and treasure and plaudits . . . . . . . 

Jesus, God in the flesh, did not run and hide from the world.  He was in it.  He went to the darkest, most needy places, attracting the "poor in spirit".

Jesus, God . . . loved the least.  The least shall be first.   Pride goes before the fall.

[A lot of people don't believe the scriptures.  If they did, they would heed and be (righteously) terrified.]

He had nowhere to lay His head.  He was not haughty nor trying to make a big way in the world.  HENCE, ... yeah it irked the synagogue of satan cats who wanted to punish and torment and get vengeance and put oppression and torture upon all their longtime enemies... 

AND they haven't quit giving up that angle..... 

If God says "It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God," ... then one should ponder that deeply.  




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