Friday, July 19, 2024

Chickens Come Home To Roost, Reap What You Sow (of world/not of world?)

When the chickens come home to roost, they do.  It is Natural Law, designed by God.  For many, the chickens are coming home to roost in, as they do, but extra especially, in "this day and age".

You reap what you sow.

What will you reap?

What did you sow?

There is an allotted amount of time for each one.  For each creature.

The end for each (one) is Written . . . either in The Glorious Book Of Life . . . or in dreadful Hell.

The time allotted for each is an unfathomable gift of God.  But, Know, it is a "great and fearsome" God we serve and love.  And HE is Sovereign Above All.  So, take it seriously. 


He is THE BOSS . . . OF ALL . . . 

"Love it or leave it" (Him!)

The Children Of God "love it"--HIM!  

The devil's disgusting, perverted, twisted, mean, evil, hateful, jealous, incredibly vindictive and so unbelievably wicked that (although we see and know of how debased and cruel such hatred of God and Goodness can get to) . . . it is . . . always (as a mortal looking about) stunning and frightening to realize the fact of that.

I barely can fathom the depths of wickedness that abounds and what many of the each are capable of (having falling into the EVIL hands of The Wicked One.)

. . . . Such as all the kings and queens and entrepreneurs and sidewinders, conquerors, hustlers, worldly-wise, prevaricators' and overall fudging snaky opportunists, and et al, et al, throughout the time of the world thus far and going forward (for a time). . . . 

Some of the "each"--many actually--spit in His face, plucked out His beard, did and do still whip, beat, shove thorns into head . . . and continue to react and attack with calumnies, blasphemies, violent hatred, resentment (and more!) toward, against Him and His Own. . . . 

They then and now, and will tomorrow beat, mock, torture The Lord, God, Creator of All . . . along with (tormenting) those who love and serve and sacrifice (in their own miniscule ways) their mortal lives, for LOVE OF  THIS GOD--viciously despising God-Given recognition of WHAT HE DID, WHAT IS WRITTEN, WHO HIS IS . . . .

And there is nothing new under the/this sun, to this day.

Until The New Day.


[Below scripture is simply me paraphrasing some scripture, in a slightly casual form, as if I were sitting around a campfire, in the desert or a mountain top, or on some beach, or in someone's backyard; recalling it as able, off the top of my mind for what it's worth, God willing....] 

"If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you. . . . If you were of the world, the world would love you, but because you're not of the world, it hates you. . . . . All these things they will do to you . . . because of my names' sake--who I am and who sent me.  Because I have come, they no longer can hide their sins.  And such, if they hate me, they hate both Me and the Father. The word must be fulfilled, and it is such that they hate(d) me without cause.

However, when The Holy Spirit comes--the Spirit of Truth, Whom I will send to you from the Father, Who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of me, and bear witness that you have been with me (and are mine) since the beginning."  --John 15: 18-27

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