Thursday, May 9, 2024

We Will Serve The Lord

 Meanwhile. . . . Death is lurking.  

I must say I do sense . . . a stalking horse, "a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" is well afoot.

Death is afoot in big ways.  

Of course, death is always about and inevitable.  But there is a full court press, on all sides.  

I praise and thank God that We are as protected as we are with so much grace and given latitude We are blessed with, amidst and among the enemies and whilst behind enemy lines!

I do believe . . . I have been shown recently, more than ever, that the stakes are as dire as has been Written.

SUCH THAT . . . the Only Begotten Son of God . . . humbled Himself, to suffer (for us) unimaginable stripes, pain, suffering, torment, burden BECAUSE OF HIS LOVE . . . on Our behalf.

I have been given a glimpse of that suffering.  And that it is just what I deserve, let alone, all the sins of all sinners from beginning to end.

It is SO devastating to even barely grasp a miniscule taste, speck of what He went through--well, it is an infinitesimally slight revelation, such that I barely dare try to put into words. . . . 

HENCE The Glory!  The thankfulness, gratitude, likewise beyond words to convey, to be saved!

I have been shown a glimpse into Hell.  Repeatedly in the last year or so.  I am compelled to share that for the mere mortal, fallen, unrepentant sinner . . . it is more horrible than you can imagine.  It is beyond any of the most graphic, tawdry, gaudy "Hollywood" horror depiction. . . . The hopelessness is beyond measure, once one is condemned. . . . 

Time is short.  Life is short--a vapor, a withering grass, fading flowers--the vanity of the world will have its day; but then comes the end.

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”  --Joshua 24:15



Jesus is KING said...

Scary. It is a nice scripture though, we have it written on a pretty local rock at our front porch "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

God Speed


Roger said...

Greetings Dear Bro. T.

WOW.. Looks like I have some catching up here to do.. Pleasant catch up at that.. :)
Anyways.. Right out of the starting gate you mentioned "devour." Yikes...
When I do my daily reading I seem to come across that word "devour" on a daily basis.
What's weird about it, is that over all the years of rereading the Bible, it's only
been over a year now where I made a mental note of "devour" and always underline it.
Of course, I've mentioned how often the word or theme "fear not" "do not be afraid"
seems to come up too. Almost daily. I've heard others that this one is mentioned 365
times in the Bible!! A daily reminder knowing that the Lord has this under his control.
I always seem to experience some unusual synchronizations which come out of nowhere.
So, my hope is that someone sitting on the fence will run across your blog and make
a major change in the right direction here. But then, I believe, those fence-sitters
need to be led by the Lord, or drawn here by the Lord. Anyways, I can somewhat feel
your anxiety over this situation about how awful hell really is. Personally, since I've
known you for so many years, this is some really serious stuff.

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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