Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dogs, Creatures etc., & A Governing Spirit (Under God)....Musings

 I'm always thinking, fascinated, pondering the mystery of God, existence, His Creation etc.  Including issues that are not salvation specific, but adjacent musings . . . wishes, hopes, seeming insights. . . .

Here is a thought that I felt was inspired related to animals/creatures.  I've always loved creatures--animals, insects, plants, fish etc., since I can remember, since a young child. . . . 2024, loving our dogs, Bruce and Dude, and miss our 20yr. old black cat Rahda who died last year. . . .

The "vision" of sorts I saw . . . (and I only proffer it as, perhaps, an inspired theory) . . . is that . . . while we humans are made in the image of God and have a unique eternal, individual soul . . . I observe and suspect . . . that animals, ie., dogs . . . have a sort of overarching, comprehensive "spirit" that runs through them.  Any dog I see--yes, it has superficial differentials--is unique in it's creation.  BUT, I see and recognize a singular "spirit of dog" ubiquitous throughout.  I also suspect, hope and believe, that, according to the "desires of the heart" of individual human souls, He may (He certainly can if He wants to) grant that in Heaven, you will be reunited with a pure version of the creature you loved and cared for.

Some do not have that intense "desire(s) of the heart" in THAT particular.  There are other "desires of the heart" and multiplicitous in some cases, as He deigns; and I believe that one of those shall be being reunited with our beloved creatures we loved and cared for (albeit in a fallen echo of the original design of stewardship/husbandry begun in The Garden.)

I'm still sussing it out, observing; there may be ONE "spirit" running through all the creation and not necessarily, an arch-spirit governing ie., the "cat kingdom", the "rat kingdom", the "dog kingdom".  ALTHOUGH, I wouldn't be surprised if each of the species and types had their own governing spirit, under God--and it may be an angelic operation. . . .

Just thinking out loud:) Sharing thoughts and observations, hopes and beliefs. . . .

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