Thursday, May 23, 2024

His Everlasting Holy Kingdom of Heaven

 Pretty much everything I've seen and said here, has and is coming to pass. 

I've spoke and written of "the day of slaughter".  By that, I just saw and meant, there comes a time when all bets are off and "they" . . . . . . . slaughter.  It happens in places that are presently seemingly safe, in the suburbs . . . in the outback . . . pretty much everywhere.   [Well, ... but I note, as much as "they" wish . . . they can't quite demolish "everywhere" . . . for God has His remnant always. . . .]

The main reason I continue to focus here on the personal spiritual angle of things throughout all of the political, social, cultural extravaganza's going on . . . is because . . . in the end . . . THIS is a SPIRITUAL situation.

Empires have come and gone.  Fantastic constructions, developments, scientific excursions have been going on since The Fall.  Many pretenders to The Throne . . . have come and gone, and many still are pressing in to try again. . . .   

Don't be distracted.

This time is no different.  It is very simple.  The devil seeks to subvert, kill, corrupt, destroy . . . murder and pervert . . . the glory of God . . .(if he could, making you feel like you are living in a special time.)

He can't.  The devil, the Enemy . . . loses and is shunt off to the place made for rebellion and the rebellious.  

The Lord GOD is mysterious in His Ways . . . for He allows and is sovereign over the whole seeming mess.  It is no mess.  It is perfectly wrought in His Will, although to many of us, in our miniscule understanding cannot fully comprehend, appreciate or submit to His sovereign Design. . . . 

Death comes to all.  The wages of sin are death--the 2nd death, horrific beyond present imagination. We start dying in our sin the moment we are born here. 

Thank GOD there is Jesus, The Messiah, the only begotten Son Of God. THUS there is LIFE!  ETERNAL! 

While the raging seas and winds and storms and political and social machinations by the wicked carry on, I praise GOD!  

I fear GOD in a holy, righteous way!  I love God beyond any means of my self and crawl, lay down, naked, empty-armed, nothing to give--just gloriously dependent on His mercy and Love, prayerfully supplicant and imploring. . . .

There are trials more coming.  We haven't seen the worst of it.  There is no way to prepare for it, other than by being devastated and sold out to His Glory above all!

Those who See, See.  Those who Hear, Hear.  By His unfathomable love and mercy . . . His Children find themselves in His everlasting Holy Kingdom, sharing in His suffering as followers, meager as that may be, and yet we are grateful for that!

Praise God and His Everlasting Holy Kingdom of Heaven!!!

-bro t


Roger said...

Greetings Dear Bro. T.

Oh my.. You wrote, "I've spoke and written of "the day of slaughter"."
Just today I was reading Isaiah Chapter 30. And in verse verse 25, Isaiah says this:
"And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and
streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall."
Talk about synchronicity or getting a message from on high? Anyways, a mountain refers
to governmental bodies. Hills could mean the congregation or churches. Rivers, streams
and waters are peoples. I'm not sure what towers reference though? Towers could be a
reference to the military? Anyways, I've been told that Babylon had (has) a baby.
And that is most likely the USA. "USA" is interesting. Since we've have always heard of
references about the middle of Jerusalem. "USA" is the middle 3 letters of Jerusalem.
What's more. I just thought of this. Jerusalem is 9 letters. A routing number has 9
numbers to it. Hmmm? A very unusual coincidence here. As always, I seem to come across
across the word "devour" and its various derivations quite frequently. I believe this
is a message to be shared with you and your readers here. A future warning. Like yours.
Of what's coming.

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Anonymous said...

Roger, could towers be the PTB that are actually running society? Towers are high aloft and out of reach and offer far reaching view of things below. God will bring them down. I expect to be one of the casualties in that war, but whatever role God has for me, I'll be glad when evil is finally deposed from its position of power over us.


Brother Thomas ©2005

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