Saturday, August 27, 2022

Survival 2022 et al

 Everything . . . is still looking to me . . . like going according to script.  AND THE Script!  

In the temporal machinations . . . yep, they are persecuting thought crimes, while elevating violent criminals.  That's how they do it.  Many, many times over. . . . It's an old tried and true method of subversion, perversion to subvert and rule a "people".  

Works every time . . . (in this fallen world).

Meanwhile. . . .

The Way . . . is to have inhabit The Lord IN YOU . . . and YOU IN HIM.

It is a grand secret of survival.  And by survival . . . I mean Survival . . . in the eternal sense.

Survival . . . in Goodness, Love, God, The One, THE GOD OF ALL. . . . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many have ideas . . . of how it "ought to be" . . . expectations according to "fairness". . . . 

THOSE WHO RECOGNIZE THAT THERE IS ONE TRUE AND ONLY GOD OF ALL . . . AND WHO ARE BLESSED TO BE CREATED AND CHOSEN FOR HIS PURPOSE . . . well, you will find yourself falling on your face, figuratively and literally. . . . Humbled, submitted, surrendered--a blessed Child of God!  THANKFUL & GRATEFUL FOR ALL!


As have always mentioned . . . we are under CONSTANT attack.  It is:  “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

And . . . you (find yourself) finding it . . . when GOD HIMSELF shows it to you . . . and brings you in.  You know who you are.  YOU KNOW!

"In these times" . . . I dare say . . . the Way to go . . . is to know and meet and "allow" Jesus, Lord . . . to be your friend and GOD!


It has become an ol' trope: "Do what Jesus would do"............. 

HOWEVER . . . trope or not . . . REALLY DO THAT!  Let Him inhabit your temple/body!  THINK .. . .  . . . THINK . . . ponder . . . assuage . . . . WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? in any and every situation!!!!

THIS is the key--the SPIRITUAL way out of the mess we find ourselves in, circa 2022 and ongoing.... 

Just Sayin' :)!

GOD BLESS YOU and He does!

Love you. !

Bro T

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