Sunday, August 21, 2022



  • This . . . is the FACE of a "longhorn beetle" up close (It's been making the rounds, so maybe you've already seen it, but worth a second look:)!

Hence, among other reasons, I don't ever, for a long time, casually or ever . . . KILL God's little creatures.  

We've made it a fun game around the house--flies come in, like they do, through the open back door, and many peeps are inclined to quickly kill them . . . and I get that . . . but we've made a fantastic game of it--which also exercises eye/hand coordination, compassion, quick-strike abilities etc.,--SO THAT we have the game of catching them out of the air, or from up behind while on counter . . . AND THEN . . . release them back into the wild, outside back door :) 

Because of the anti-life Satanic agendas going on . . . killing, poisoning, hating GOD'S creation (obviously foremost humanity in the image of GOD) I've noticed an increasing lack of the little creatures (grasshoppers, moths, bees, and more. . . .) 

BUT, the other day, I met a few grasshoppers and one in particular on the side of the house stucco--I looked at it close up . . . and saw the eyes--they were looking at me, I was looking at them, their eyes moved, tuned in . . . . Plants and insects (of course, along with the animals) I believe "read minds" and intent, heart. . . .  

Well and we had a moment, me and that grasshopper, heh..... 

Every face is unique and special.  A unique individual.  (Hence, note, Satan's rush to "collectivize" the scene. . . .  It is Anti-God, Anti-Christ to "collectivize" in the way he/it/she (Bapho) does.

There is a gentle way.  

There is the Godly way.

Here is another close-up pic of (just one of the trillions) of The Creator's individually created individuals. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bro T. I finding nothing more comforting than the sound of crickets in the evening. Though I am not near any running water, being being in the suburbs, I am hearing that lovely chorus of the crickets where I live now. What a blessing! I am so grateful. God’s blessings to you and your readers.

A final note regarding your comments on an infrastructure of hidden Saints working quietly outside the system. I recall in one of Tom Brown’s books Awakening Spirits or the Way of the Scout?) where he was in New York and he encountered that very thing, a doctor helping kids marked for death by gange. God be with us all!


Brother Thomas ©2005

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