Thursday, February 3, 2022

Without God,, And Cyber Attack

Hell . . . is existence WITHOUT God....

The Creator of ALL is the source, the Sovereign, the sustenance, the purpose, the joy, the meaning, the LOVE, the Justice!  The FATHER, sustainer . . . nurturing GREAT BEING OF ALL THAT WE ARE and are experiencing!

"Simulation" theory . . . as in, "this is all a 'simulation'" . . . a la' "The Matrix" . . . has a sense of truth to it.  BUT NO, not.

It is a proper horror.  For real, if you don’t have the grace and blessing of God’s presence within and sustaining all about. Hence when He promises to Believers “I will always be with you,” it is no small thing! It is EVERYTHING! 

More on this in a bit—it is so important always and especially nowadays as we are assaulted on all fronts—especially WITHIN the mind, soul, spirit, body…..
[Meanwhile, heads up, be ready…. So much is being exposed…I suspect drastic measures (already planned for) will be instigated—as pertains to “cyber attacks” and online takedowns.  Anticipate, ie., that day when all connections go dead. You have no idea what has happened…but systems appear to be down…for days, intermittent, weeks… months?…. Just be ready for that as can be.]
God bless and stay True!

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