Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Sherry Shriner and (not) The Way

Aaaand I’m a sophisticated contrarian…..  There is something about the written word. WRITING, READING! 

I love and cherish still having wended through all the last couple decades of media permutations, to continue in this little (dare I say, humbly, profound—yes I do!) WRITTEN corner of report and sharing, and Gid willing, decent Spirit-led advice….. 

They want us off the written Word. 

Soooo, feisty—albeit subtle—contrarian (to the world) that I am…I shall continue….

Hey! Meanwhile… did ya hear about Sherry Shriner? Any old timey ie., “lamb cafe” peeps still kickin around these here parts?…

I haven’t checked it out yet, but have seen notice of Sherry and her thing… on YT…. Some sort if “true crime” documentary?  

Will check it out… 

Lots of charlatans out there—always have been… I’ve stumbled into a few (as seekers often do along The Way)…. Never fell for her schtick… but as usual, she was an interesting character (slightly) observed…along The Way….

Hey! God bless and love you! …. Over here in the the little writ corner 😊❤️🙏🏻!

1 comment:

Roger said...

Hello Bro. T.

Interesting! What happened to Sherry Shriner? What I seen on a search is that
she died January 18, 2021. Hmmm? I can swear that I thought that she died at
least two or more years earlier. I don't know anything much about her. About
the only thing I know is that she and Zeph had a BIG dislike for each other.
What I do know from a guy that talked about her a year ago is that Sherry
wasn't circumspect at all. She kept in contact with too many people and gave
her contact info out freely. Heart attack? Quite possibly since she was 76.
On the other hand, she liked attention. Perhaps, she knew something that she
should not have shared publicly like Joan Rivers. "Loose lips sink ships."
If you are out of order, like Joan Rivers, TPTB don't take kindly to that.
Solomon was pretty emphatic in his Proverbs about keeping quiet about things
that shouldn't be shared. Like he said, "life and death are in the tongue."
I'll just leave it at that.

Peace and much love,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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