Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Mic Drop. I Dare Say, The Spirit Speaks

 [First off, God blesses and I thank you! I still suspect you might be an actual angel … but if not, there are few things rarer in this world than mortals …blessed with an angelic type nature…who are so intrinsically designed, so as to harbor some of the rope hard, taut love of God/Truth, that you can’t hardly help yourself being anything other than… tied to Him…. Through all the chaos and miasma and distracting “noise”….it is quite a unique and a beneficent wonder!:) ___V.] I dare say!:)God bless:)!

Now… for the rest of you beloved knuckleheads ;)…. Here we are. I would suggest it’s about to get hot and heavy—but for, I’ve already said that for a long while-because it already has been! Since the garden!

The superficial details change, like the weather, seasons etc., but don’t think you are living in special times. That thinking does injustice to ALL those who have lived through and suffered throughout His-story since the first bite of the forbidden fruit.  It is a subtle form of pride … to think “it’s never been like this”…. “Canada”…. WEF… commi’s…. Psychopaths galore…. Etc and etc.


It’s very simple and the same old thing.  Do you love and serve God? Or do you bitch and whine about your rough life?

I can and will dare to tell you—as bad as it seems…as awful and frustrating and demoralizing as it feels (and is) to be regarding your individual dreams, hopes, yearnings, comfort, security etc., in this mortal realm (for now)…. You will find yourself flattened to the ground, blushing, weeping, wailing once you See the Glory that is God and JUST HOW MUCH AND HOW OFTEN HE SUSTAINED AND BLESSED AND GUIDED YOU ALL THROUGH THE RUGGED MORTAL TIME!!! (The angels are righteously admiring of us so created to go through this seeming mess, you should know, btw.)

You have no idea how good you’ve actually had it, compared to what existence is like WITHOUT His sustaining, LOVING presence! Even the worst scenarios here (though with God abiding and within you) are NOTHING compared to that type of (eternal) existence which is foretold, for those who hate(d) and want(ed) nothing to do with Him! 

HELL…is existence WITHOUT His presence and familiarity. It can’t be imagined.

 It can and has been Shown… but it is worse than the worst this fallen, depraved world has ever given. You should be scared … OF THAT! Not what “men”,  “women” can do to you in this body—but what HE can do with and to your eternal soul!

The (righteous) fear of God is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

Me? I fear God..and I love and am drawn to Him, come what may in the meantime.  His Word commands that and I gratefully find myself willing.

How is it that the apostles and saints … and The Son Himself were able to willingly, with no guile, sincerely bless and love and worship God …. all the while they were being tormented, persecuted, hated, shunned, misunderstood, beaten, tortured, jailed, maligned—the targets of vitriol and calumnies!!!? 

………..BY THIS! The love and knowledge and worshipful recognition, awareness of and submission to GOD! To THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD OF ALL! Sovereign King, Creator, Sustainer of this whole “reality” currently underway!

Oh… but there’s more!…. And more! You can’t imagine the wonderful, blessed, lovely, endless, amazing, incredible, mind and heart and soul-blowing things YET in store… for those who persevere!  Your God -blessed dreams and desires will all unfold….

And all we have to do…  Is love and praise and acknowledge God….(instead of ourselves and/or the devil!) 

Mic drop :)!!!

1 comment:

Roger said...

Hello Dear Bro. T.,

You certainly said (wrote) some great truthful lines, I do say.
Solomon: "The (righteous) fear of God is the BEGINNING of wisdom."
And I've heard this before: "Mic drop :)!!!"
I'll admit it openly, I do whine (to myself), but I never blame the Most High for anything.
(BTW, it's kind of eerie that this program wants to change "the Most High" to "Highest."
Perhaps you don't know this fact, but Satan and demons can't say, "the Most High."
I've noticed this quirk before and decided to mention it. We are using Satan's technology!)
One of the ways to quickly know that the Lord's grace is with you, or that He is trying
to get your attention is by how unusual things just seem to happen for you. I've had some
recent head-scratching events. Going into an apartment complex. Looking for the button to
punch to notify the apartment dweller. And the security door unlocks before I even touch
the keypad. And striking up a conversation with someone I never met before to discuss some
left field spiritual (paranormal) things. And then, later, looking for my favorite juice
in the store. Which wasn't there, but a different kind altogether in its place. So, I
thought to myself that I will check on it sometime in a future trip. And 15 minutes later,
as I was walking by the juice display, it was there. That other juice was removed and
replaced with the pomegranate juice I was looking for!!! A psych doctor would have a
heyday with these coincidences (although nothing is a coincidence). Speaking of psych's.
Zeph did mention years ago about the rise of the psychiatrists. Now, I heard via another
podcast that TPTB are trying to link the fact that those that don't get the jab/vax
are at risk for bipolar issues. So, just like communists, they will use the psychiatric
angle against the jab/vax resistors. Well, I better run. I got rather lengthy again.

Much love and the Lord's peace,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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