Thursday, July 23, 2020

Strengthened & Fastened Now!

Yes, we ought keep an eye on things--prudence. . . . But with the constant barrage of worldly news, current events--all now strained through a political lens . . . it is ever critical to remember that this is a SPIRITUAL WAR.  The minions of evil . . . hate God and thus, especially hate believers in and followers of Christ and His Word.  I wrote in this blog about 12 years ago that someday, relatively soon, the Bible would be considered "hate speech" and would be "banned".  It follows that followers of the hated Book . . . will likewise be "banned"--(as is happening, ie., in China where Christians are being forced to eliminate, destroy any and all symbols of their faith (crosses, images of Jesus, etc.) and are being forced to replace them with images of Mao and Xi Jinping.

We are edging ever closer to that reality.  Churches (of all kinds) are under attack physically--fires, vandalism, threats. . . . Of course, this is typical in the early stages of a Marxist revolution as it starts going "hot".  I am concerned over the church I normally go to.  It is a sitting target.  I expect trouble there and intend to warn the pastor (Wallace),  He should at least have  (hidden) video monitoring set up.  Just yesterday I received a strong premonition regarding this. . . .

Anyhow, it is vital to remember our "struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Eph 6:12

It is all too easy to be distracted from the spiritual by events and developments in the world.

Oh how we need our faith and lines of communication STRENGTHENED AND FASTENED in the coming days!  Prayer, meditation, supplication, running to The Word must be ramped up and fast as can be, God's grace willing!

Also, I am aware of some military developments recently that pertain to domestic scenarios.  Units have just very recently been called up for domestic engagement!  There will be a kick-off location . . . and, of course, it will spread.  I expect there to be running gun and bomb battles between factions coming this fall.  It is not hard to see that trajectory, I know, but what I've just learned is quite specific regarding there where and the what and the when of it.  As I get more info on this, I will report as can, fwiw.  Obviously, any big city is going to be trouble at the outset.  It will spread to rural and suburbs.  For now, I would seriously be considering moving, if possible, from the current staging points of Seattle and especially Portland.  There will come a time here before too long, where it will no longer be possible to "escape".  The major routes will be useless.

God bless and protect you, as His will dictates!

1 comment:

Mark said...

The second commandment

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

hey,I didn't write it I just study it!

Due to all the statuary being torn down around the country the Christian Patriots should be getting this but are not .Instead the "Patriot" part gets upset and they forget the "Christian" part .

It's a case of God useing a evil to do good .BLM(evil) to tear down images(good) .Gee I wonder if GOD means what he says in his word .Yes God tore down the images and showing all the uber Christian's hypocrites .

I'm just saying!

God bless and keep

Brother Thomas ©2005

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