Thursday, January 9, 2020

Faith and Witnesses

Been looking at it a long time now. . . .
Perhaps more than ever . . . I'm really quite sure that we are witnesses.
A Witness.
I'm still analyzing the (supernal) situation, but just can't yet see anything primally
other than that . . . we are Witnesses.  Yes, we do stuff.  It is a great mystery.
BUT I truly think we can do little more than "actively" witness to His great Glory.

He is the prime mover.  That's it.  Those (desgnated, dare I say? yes) who resent this
. . . are they who find themselves following the "left-hand" path.  Into Hell.

Don't be surprised.  Many are practicing for, and living in a sort of Hell now, though they are blessed
by so many things in this mortal time (hence why the demons want to get in just to get a taste
of it!) that they do not appreciate or acknowledge, or relish. . . .

Gratitude is key.  FAITH is preeminent.  Because FAITH is directly linked to the spiritual
relationship with The Creator of All.  If you know Him, you have faith--it is life, blood, water
and the Way.

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