Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Decided End

I think this is an especially dangerous moment (fairly obvious, I know).... With the Epstein stuff breaking big and the high levels of exposure--high stakes games are being played out.  The weather/geo wars are ramped up all over and continuing.  Geo-political maneuvers, military. . . . Things are in place for something major to take over the headlines and distract in a big way. . . .

I do have more to say on DJT winning a second term.  I expect it . . . and I expect all hell to break loose--as intended.  Rough sailing ahead, high, high stakes. . . . I saw some time ago that there was a plan afoot to destroy the Demoncrat Party--it will be subsumed eventually into a fully blatant socialist/communist party, which I expect will one day take power in broad daylight. . . .

At the same time, there are some amazing awakenings going on.  The majority are not with the evil, the perfidy, the subversion and corruption.  Many are sick to death of it.  Just remember, it has always been a vicious and cunning minority cabal using levers, fulcrums to overturn the will of the majority.  But it never lasts.  Their rotten perversion and decadence destroys them every time.  They cannot stand for long.  Truth continues to conquer and will all the way through to the decided end!

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