Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Outta the countrysides ....

Re the push to abolish electoral collage... All that is... is... well, its actually a part of Agenda 2030 etc... with the (now obvious) "weather wars" I mentioned... everyone will be driven from the country, the hinterlands etc.... INTO the "smart cities" ... the wired up electronic-fence-gridded mind controlled "sustainable" "smart cities" ... Because, once people's votes don't count at all out there in "fly over country"... ie., the lessor populated states .. who tend to be patriotic and "old-fashioned"/self-reliant.... well... along with the "weather" attacks... they will be driven to hang up the towel and just head on into the psychotronic metropolis's....  Cuz their votes won't count anyway after the abolition of electoral college... AND... they're getting flooded, burned, wind-whipped, earthquaked etc.... sooooo.... this is just the political side of the herding.... into .... the "sustainable" "smart cities".... watch it unfold... and beware... ....cuz they intend.. and will indeed... smoke everyone outta the countrysides....

1 comment:

Daughter of the King said...

To this I say fight! Be in God's economy, which is the more you use the more you use the more He makes. God will work this weaponized weather out for the good of those who love Him. Do not lose faith.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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