Below are a couple past posts that I could find . . . relating to ongoing dreams about a day, a time, when the whole sky is filled with "space-craft" . . . .
There may be some relevant observances amidst these ealier writings. . . .
Sept. 16, 2023: "I've had many dreams about this event, since early teenage years . . . and ongoing . . . recently still.
The sky is suddenly full of craft--"spacecraft" . . . a "ufo" type invasion. . . . It fills the sky, multitudinous.
And, also . . . have had the visions/dreams . . . of military aircraft . . . suddenly filling the skies--strangely.
AND . . . I have long ago talked and written about "the day of slaughter".
I suspect they are all connected--these visions.
"They" are running out of rope. . . . And getting desperate. And "they" need to pull off a big showcase scenario . . . to shut it all down (too many people are waking up to the lies).
Timing is always weird, re predicting these things. BUT they do all end up coming true.
I dare say . . . there will be a day, or a night, where an "amazing" visual event will occur . . . in the skies . . . and then will usher in "their" nwo shutdown/total control/ wishes. . . .
I've Seen it. I (believe) I know it will happen.
Just a heads up. When it does, just know . . . that it is FAKE and a strong delusion.
It will be so overwhelming to most, that most will succumb. But Those who Know . . . will Know what it is--a strong delusion.
It is coming. At soonest, within the next year. ("They" often have to push back their timeline plans). . .
Yet, "they" will keep on it. It may be 2 years out . . . but it's coming, and relatively soon. And it will be a big deal.
Just sayin' :)
Heads Up"
Feb.15 2023 : "Well . . . and a bit more detail that may (or may not) be warranted and interesting, regarding the longtime dreams of the sky event(s). . . .
There have been many of these "visions"/dreams consistently over the years, fwiw. It has seemed to be some sort of theme to maybe take note of, so I've wondered a bit, noting the oddness, detail and persistency of said "dreams/visions". . . .
Anyway, regarding this basic theme, which always involves the sky--what's going on in the sky, there are basically two versions. One is very "ufo-y" --the other is more "military-craft-y" as pertains to the details and visual features. I suspect they are both of the same cloth, but am just noting that it has always been mostly one or the other type scenario emphasis re a particular dream.
So, for instance, the "military craft" one: I am somewhere, perhaps in or around an old childhood memory home on the foothills--the "avenues" which look out over the (Salt Lake) city valley . . . OR I'm in some strange neighborhood or suburbs I don't quite well, but still vaguely recognize . . . or occasionally I'm in some random, populated location, big city somewhere. . . .
It is evening, going into night . . . someone alerts, shouts--people are startled then looking up to and pointing at the sky. . . .
ONE of the two scenarios is very military looking. Fighter jets--more than you'd ever see normally, are streaking across the sky. Feels like something is up. Then there are more. Then there are all kinds of different military-looking aircraft now zooming across the sky, horizon to horizon . . . many different kinds in packs and, as it goes on, increasingly more of them getting intense-looking and modern strange--either massive or precise fighter-jet airplanes of clearly military type. They tend to follow lines of dedicated trajectory, as if tracing a coded "highway" in the sky--they fly in tandem, two-by-two, in a straight-ish line, like along train tracks, the ships/craft seemingly connected together on their trail in the high sky altitude . . . fast, steady, intent. . . . And then there are more and more. They keep coming. Everybody on the ground is awed and pointing and starting to get giddy but nervous and thinking of running for safety. Obviously, something is going down.
The people are looking up, watching, concerned, shouting, pointing, thinking that maybe they are needing to be running for cover. [AND that there were bizarre other things . . . in that vision of the "train of craft" in the sky I had the other night--but I'm still thinking how to relate that part and hope to soon.]
ANYHOW. . . . carrying on. . . .
By the end of that particular (dream) scenario . . . the sky is fairly well filled with many different forms of military aircraft, eventually, flying this way and that--something big is going down. . . . . Also, sometimes--often actually--that scenario involves that there are also ground troops, mechanized units, tanks, trucks etc., pouring in from the sides--through the hills, over and through the mountains, in the streets. . . . It gets into house-to-house, block-to-block, hand-to-hand investment, combat. Certain areas of the city/neighborhoods are threshed, invaded, door-to-door . . . yet, a few locales were held by what roughly could be called "resisters", organizing as able amidst the chaos.
But it was moving fast. Yes, there were a few pockets of corralled people holding out, taking a stand, left alone for a bit . . . but the enemy forces were obviously and persistently overwhelming--to the point that it become a situation of eventually finding oneself fighting and hiding and running for one's life.
Now . . . THE OTHER ("ufo"-y) scenario is a little different. It doesn't seem to involve troops on the ground (ie., the tanks, trucks, military-looking aircraft etc.) And although I had dreams of this one long ago (circa mid 70s-80s, 90s and have had again even recently) before it was fashionable to talk about "fake alien invasion" script, I'll say, now, in retrospect, I recognize it as indeed more in line with that concept/anticipation of an "operation blue-beam" type holographic "fake alien" invasion.
So, recalling that scenario, re the dreams, I am in various of those same previously described vaguely familiar city/neighborhood locations. On the ground . . . it's nighttime . . . we . . . are hanging out, general people, some family, neighbors of sorts, out and about . . . THEN . . . there are suddenly things--lights in the sky . . . we stop what we're doing . . . I, we are looking up, seeing strange translucent jellyfish-looking and various MANY other odd luminescent "flying-saucer" kinds of crafts of all shapes and sizes, instantly manifesting out the black night sky, appearing right above and throughout the whole sky, from horizon to horizon, across the valley. . . . The sky is ridiculously filled with multiples of all sorts of colored and designed kinds of "ufo-y" looking brilliant, "beautiful" "spaceships"! It is breathtaking, ominous.
Indeed, they weren't there one moment, then, all of of a sudden they are, as if, "turning on"!
Well, and I've heard from others dear, who have apparently had similar "dreams" of these kinds of scenarios. . . .
I really don't like carrying on about dreams. BUT . . . with recent "news" events . . . and the way things are going with rapidity . . . I thought to share and beg your indulgence for it.
God bless and be with you ALWAYS!
bro t"