Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Yeah.... no.

Yeah... no.

1 comment:

Mark said...

It's the "bill gates of hell" .

He did develop a box of "chips" and called it a p.c.(personal computer) .The thought originates in the forehead and tells the hand how to move the mouse .Today we humans can't business of any kind without our devices which are all full of "chips".

So all who are worrying about a "chip" in the hand or forehead you can stop .They were developing this in 70s & 80s and the prophets missed it .

Yes Bill gates of hell is a human beast 666 just like all humans .he just works for the wrong king!

The devices are the mark of the beast!

The Bible says we would accept the mark.....Not were going to hell for it!

Brother Thomas ©2005

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