Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Stay Close

I told u martial law would happen under "right wing".  I told u then "the left" would use the policies put into place thereof to great effect. 
But best, and most of all, I told you (as you know already)  that God is Supreme.

There is Light . . . in the darkness.

Thank God always!  Know God always!  Jesus!  THE one of all, who rose from the dead!

Stay True, stay close:)


ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

THEY laughed at and scoffed Noah.
THEY laughed at and scoffed Moses.
THEY laughed at and scoffed You.
When THEY laughed and scoffed you,
it's counted as doing this to our
Lord and the Almighty Yahweh and Son.
Co-workers also laughed at me years
ago too. I just took it and smiled.

THEY aren't laughing and scoffing
As the lyrics stated, "too late now."

Peace and many blessings,

Mark said...

Amen, the commie,the right,the left,China, Russia,the world health organization are trying and will keep trying to bring down their kingdom .At times it will even "appear" as if they are having success . Meanwhile loosening ground in the spirit .

Appearances are not everything .......God is! God is in all things!

There's a kingdom yet to come!

Brother Thomas ©2005

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