Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Who Do You Fear?

Yeah... fairly early on in this . . . seeing the unsustainability of the injunctions and the continued ramping up of social controls, against all common sense and actual evidence . . . I started to suspect an intentional provocation agenda.  As in, eventually, the people just aren't going to put up with it anymore. (Well, many will . . . those who don't think for themselves and have no Godly guidance) . . . but even regular folk, so-to-speak . . . were bound to get pissed and fed up and start the push back.  And I thought, hmmm . . . provoking the push back . . . could be a major goal of the whole charade (amongst other things)....

Now, indeed, right on schedule, we are starting to see the push back. 

We are now about to enter a very interesting and telling phase of the operation.

I DO know that . . . of the few churches that I'm aware of who HAVEN'T cucked . . . turns out . . . they are Reformed.  I'm "reformed" in my theology, as you know.  Reformed types are constantly getting trashed and are quite hated upon within "mainstream" Christianity I know, and have felt myeself. . . .

But look who actually has the b*lls to stand up to the overt tyranny and madness at a time like this.  There are a few others, I know. But I gotta say, I'm proud of my Reformed brethren . . . holding the line . . . when so many, so fast . . . immediately succumbed.

My friend, a Pastor locally . . . is the ONLY Pastor I know around these here parts who has continued PUBLIC WORSHIP.  Calvinist.  Reformed.  Tough as nails re the Truth.

Just sayin' . . . . Interesting to see who and who hasn't surrendered so far.  Most went down without a peep.  Sad.  Pathetic.  It says a lot about who fears who.  Do you fear GOD . . . or man?  The Truth of THAT fundamental, salvation question . . .  is being played out in real time . . .  and just getting started. Praise God.


Mark said...

Life in the flesh is not eternal .We all pass on .If it's God's will than so be it .It's the eternal life in the spirit with God that we should concern ourselves with .If we're here to save flesh we miss the point .Will the U.S.S.A. Police state fire on its own .This is a real possibility .

God bless and keep

Mark said...

John 17:16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

Just don't play the "worlders". Game
Move to the nueteral .

"In it not of it" so to say.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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