Sunday, April 5, 2020

Report from The Fortress Of Solitude

Lest you get the wrong idea, however, no I am not sitting around reading.  I find moments here and there.  Actually, have maintained staying normally busy working.  Over the years I have built good relationships with my paint clients.  For instance, one who I have worked for on and off for years owns several restaurants.  They are doing the take-out thing, but this turns out to be a good time to do some sprucing up within the restaurants, so I've been able to pick up some work there while they are "down".  Also some random other jobs where the people trust me in their homes to do a bit of painting.  So far, I've managed to carry on fairly normally and have been loving the empty roads and lack of the usual insane traffic our city has developed over the last several years (mainly from the influx of illegals and escapees from California).

Skylar, our deaf son who still lives at home with us, has worked at Costco for several years and has turned out to be invaluable for them.  He is a stocker and works in the middle of the night and early morning.  When this thing started, it was quite chaotic with the panic buying, but he is a beast and has helped keep the stock in good order.  He's a bit worn out from the increased and odd hours, but doing alright.

My oldest, Alexander is doing well with his family in Arizona.  Has a great church there.  Just as this "plandemic" was getting underway, he quickly shifted into starting a coffee-making company and has learned how to operate online.  He makes his own (high quality roasted beans!) as he has much past experience as a barista, roaster etc.  If anyone is interested in his brand, send me a comment--I'll provide link.  It's good stuff!  He always excels at whatever he puts his impressive mind to. . . . And the grandkids he and his wife have wrought, heh, are beautiful, cute and funny as heck and doing well.  They've always been home-schooled anyhow, so no big disruption there.

Jackson and his wife left L.A. where they lived doing music and such . . . and are back here staying with her family, keeping an eye on things in Cali, etc,, deciding when and if to go back.  Isaac, our Aspergersy boy is still home with us and, as always, is in good steady spirits.  He and I hopped our local basketball-court fence the other day to get some exercise/hoops in . . . no problem.  Stickin' it to the man!  We had a blast and I'm still sore from our several games of HORSE and one-on-one.

Wifey is doing well and holding up.  The bizarreness and sometimes emotional stress surrounding the various ongoing "plandemic" scenarios can get to her at times (as one would expect and hope from a woman, mom, wife) but we are staying positive and always looking for the positive angle. 

The dogs, The Bruce and Dude are, I think, sensing a bit of the unusual changes in some routines, but overall are happy as little furry clams, lol, with all the added attention, petting, comforting . . . and the weather is finally warming a bit, so walks around the block are back in vogue, which they love.

And that is a little bit of sharing re how we getting on here at "the fortress of solitude".  As mentioned previously, prayer and faith in God's grace, is ever present and stronger than ever, God willing.


Jesus is KING said...

Great to hear the day to day stuff to. Our family has not noticed anything as we have been sheltering in place since birth pretty much. I suspect many of Gods children are coping as normal due to the isolation they have learned to live with. We get out from time to time, but not often due to money and the usual shunning us stuff.

Thanks Bro T


ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

It's amazing how quickly certain memes take root and move throughout mediums.
So, I did a simple Bing search of "plandemic" and got 42,900,000 results !!
I wonder what a Google search will come up with??

Selah, peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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