Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Sudden Strike

 Last night, in the wee small hours, I Saw the sudden crippling cyber/power-grid attack.   I saw Russian military operatives . . . biding their time, analyzing the best strike points, planning, getting ready and waiting . . . then of a sudden, they hit, out of the blue. 

Imagine, if this happens near simultaneously with widespread terror attacks on the ground. 

It will get rough quickly, to say the least. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Vanity . . . All Is Vanity, other than the 1st commandment

"Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits. All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing."  --Ecc 1:2-8

Sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, bereft, self-seekers, winners, losers, and the rest, BEWARE.

It is not about YOU, regardless. 

Recall and strive to live THE FIRST COMMANDMENT if you can't muster the effort to do anything else worth striving for.  For, if you do (follow the 1st commandment) . . . all else worthy and holy and joyful follows.  THAT is the whole of the law, the rest follows.

"You will not have any other gods before Me. Thou shalt not."  Start with this directive above all.  All else can go jump off a cliff.  

[Well, and strict in tow is the 2nd commandment, which is tied to the first.]

Sunday, September 8, 2024

It's Not About You, It's About HIM


If I could say anything, all in all ... of what I've Seen...


Thank God for air, existence, water . . . some food ....

What you find yourself doing . . . is surging, yearning towards LOVING GOD. 

Everything besides that is a distraction.

How and why do the angels spend all of their eternal time singing glorious hymns and songs dedicated to the honor, glory, unfathomable reality of GOD?  Moment after timeless moment... this is what they do.  From before time, through time and after time... through eternity. . . . .

Oh, we should be so blessed!  

Once you get even the slightest micro sliver of seeing His glory and light... EVEN A FAINT SLIVER!  THAT ALONE . . . is enough to find yourself on your face, face down, in awe, that HE IS WHO IS IS ........... THE ALPHA AND OMEGA!!!

Words don't do justice to even attempt to describe what you see and know and acknowledge Who He Is!



YOU... meanwhile . . . with petty temporary concerns, trying to make a big splash in the fleeting material world and mortal life . . . are a fool, if you so do. . . . 

The suffering and burden borne . . . by The Son . . . Who died in the flesh, yet rose, defeating death . . . is beyond mortal appreciation and understanding.  The only way you might grasp it--be invested and a part of it--IS ONLY ... BY HIS GRACE.

He IS love . . . and gracious!  Merciful. And wholly Holy. 

He is all in all . . . and has no need whatsoever to do ANYTHING for you.

If you find yourself loving and serving and suffering in this (quick, brutal temporary mortal) life then PRAISE GOD!

There is a perfect Divine justice to it all.  Those who hate God . . . get what they want.  Justice.  They hate God and want nothing to do with Him.  And so, they fairly get what they want.

What do you crave, yearn for?  

Truth?  God?   

Or..... just stupid, myopic temporary self-seeking/fulfilment.... ?

The Lord came down to this realm . . . and suffered ALL that we have or might have had gone through.  He took it all upon Himself, through His only begotten Son. . . .

Tempted in all things...

Yet, perfect....

He conquered all.  The proof was rising from the dead.  NO ONE EVER BUT JESUS DID THAT!

And all of the witnesses... Apostles... went to their tortuous dying ends proclaiming what they had witnessed! ...... They could not and did not and would not DENY what and Who they saw, heard, knew.

The Lord IS coming soon.

The Lord is HERE NOW, having gifted His Holy Spirit to succor those who believe and have faith.

Everything needed for guidance . . . is Written.

Everything that can console the troubled soul yearning for solace and truth and the Lord . . . has been given.

All to do . . . is to press into faith, belief, hope and trust in The Word, guided by the Holy Spirit, searching for yearning for, loving The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Together, Who are together ONE . . . and the ONLY TRUE LIVING SOVEREIGN GOD OF ALL.

Heaven is a place . . . where . . . GOD . . . shares HIS immutable reality with His deigned and perfect subjects, for His and their endless righteous pleasure.

The devil people hate that.  THEY want to usurp WHAT IS.

THEY want to subvert what is Truth!.

They got given a pittance of existence . . . and then got full of themselves, and want to overthrow THE THRONE OF GOD.

The LORD is GOD.  Usurpers, upstarts are NOT.  They don't realize or accept that they only exist as a subject creature BECAUSE OF HIS DESIGN.

He is an awesome and fearful God.

He is Who He Is.

You can either accept it or reject it.

Here's what you can't do. . . . OVERTHROW HIM!

Fools--those who think they can. . . .

We suffer for His Name and Glory's sake! . . . For now. . . . 

THEN.......... the reward!

Stay fast, true, in love, in submission to The Lord, THE ONE TRUE AND  HOLY GOD.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Who Is "главный враг" "Glavny Vrag"?

 I think it was roughly a year or so ago I mentioned a sort of "flash vision" in the night which came with a sense of dread, where I Saw multiple "terrorist" attacks in multiple cities, near simultaneously across the country.  I've seen lately increasing "chatter" about that exact thing now being expected--even coming from certain high level law enforcement leaders "in the know".  When I Saw it unfold, it came also with an ominous feeling/knowing of inevitability.  

So, just bear that in mind, stay alert in large gatherings, events.  

I had another (what I've long termed) a "flash vision" last night.  This one was likewise brief, but intense and came with that same sense of inevitability.  In this one, I also Saw a wide-view of the whole country, border to border.  There was a sort of invisible barrier around the country, as in, it was closed off.  The country had, in essence, become one giant, geographical prison/gulag.

I've always been a bit suspicious of "the wall" and thought it ultimately is not meant to keep others out, but to keep us within. . . .

We are already in a sort of medium level prison here in the U.S., subject to arbitrary law enforcement and what is happening with the criminal population is exactly what happened in the final stages when the USSR took over a country.  Criminals, sadists, sociopaths etc., were let loose to terrorize the populace, mildly punished, if at all punished, and many of them actually were conscripted to oppress the people within and without the ubiquitous gulag prison system.  Simultaneously, "thought-crimes" and minor mistakes and infraction (peoples' actions or speech deemed against "the party") were punished brutally, lethally.  We see this already happening, and has been for several years now.

All of the usual stages of communist takeover/conquer have happened and are increasingly in intensity, as they always do.  First, comes infiltration, subversion of the institutions, churches, civil and community organizations. Meantime, also a constant barrage of perversion of morals, re-writing patriotic traditions/history--destroying statues, defaming founders/historic heroes etc., and throwing calumnies and accusations and even charging crimes against any who dare to still support such.  Also, a long term ongoing action is to get the native population to begin mis-trusting, despising, hating their own government, so that the conquering "liberators" are seen as heroes coming in to save the day.  This has been going on for decades.

In the final stages, someone like ie., a Trump type character who represents a return to country tradition, morays is allowed to present an alternative to the ongoing destruction of the increasingly brainwashed/targeted portion of the population and intelligentsia.  This is so that those who support at return to ie.,, "make America great again" . . . expose themselves, such that, when the more brutal, mass clamp-down and round-ups/oppression happen, they will be easily identified and and dealt with.  for these are to be "enemies of the state", of "democracy" of "peace", "unity" etc.

One of the other things to watch for, which mentioned some years ago here--and it is a red flag that we are very close to the full-blown and open takeover, is when prominent "freedom" voices, patriotic leaders--whether in media or politics--start being overtly targeted and either assassinated or incarcerated.  This has already been happening in a few cases.  Some of the upcoming cases will be shocking and will cause widespread outrage.  Although, such outrage will only serve to re-emphasize the point that these "patriotic" types, civilians, are violent and dangerous also and likewise need to be dealt with (incarcerated, exterminated etc.)

Before long, people of conscience, who have wakened to the real tyranny/occupation underway, whether people of prominence or regular concerned citizens, will become terrified and fearful to speak or act out at all.  With the advent of ubiquitous "listening/watching" technology within and without houses . . . it will be difficult to even whisper one's concerns and near impossible to organize any kind of resistance.

The foreboding part nowadays, is that it is now a global tyranny.  There is nowhere left to go that hasn't been already conquered.  It has been a century long strategic march political and moral subversion, infiltration, corruption, with the cherry (America) now about to be consumed.

I also predicted (about 18 years ago) that one day Russia would be seen as the beacon of freedom and traditional values and that they may be portrayed as potential liberators, such that even conservatives and patriots would look to them for rescue from our liberal, left-wing, corrupt government.  That has happened, and is ongoing.  Don't be fooled.  And don't forget that the bulk of the subversion, infiltration, corruption of the country has been directed from Moscow for decades.

I do expect eventual invasion, occupation (portrayed as liberators/protectors of peace/democracy) from China, Russia perhaps in coordination with the UN. . . .

At it's core, it is a spiritual battle.  These are the foot soldiers of the devil.  Hence, why Christianity, Christians and the Bible are главный враг "glavny vrag" ("main enemy" in Russian).

How to prepare?  

Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ . . . and in nothing be ye terrified by the adversaries: which to them is a cause of perdition, but to you of salvation, and this from God.  For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer on His behalf.  --Phil. 1:27-29

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Coming Soon, No freeSpeech BUT FOR Faith in God/In The Holy Spirit

[forgive me... I wanted to get this out asap... I will proof-read, correct if needed, typos, grammar etc...but meantime.. just felt impressed to quick relate it out to you]


Oy vey... (well, and I use that term loosely and sparingly, and with some slight intent)... but it isn't too bad for a term of knowing exasperation/wits end. . . .

Meanwhile . . . I have so much to say. . . . And am as I dare, having had seen that the eventual, inevitable clamp-down on free thought/expression . . . will increasingly take out Truth tellers. . . .  As I've long said, that's how it always goes.  I do, (sadly indeed) expect just the same here coming up where the last vestiges of (relative) freedom still exist.  

It has long been obvious to me, where this trajectory is going, in basic terms of geo-political events; which is . . . what I warned of . . . spoke and wrote about . . . global "communist" totalitarianism.  WHICH, is just another term for . . . the beast system described in Revelation.

. . . .Watching, knowing, seeing, hearing, experiencing etc., what's going on and where we are NOW at in the flow of life 2024. . . . AND having pretty much have laid it all out. . . and seeing the horde on the horizon--blood-curdling war yelps in the distance (as ya do, when raiding a "village" with overwhelming odds and excited for the bounties/booty) I'm here still shouting (quietly, lol) from the watchtower . . . AND WILL so long as God wills! 

Well, and I SO appreciate you fellow, longtime suffering servants . . . and those of you who have supported through prayer . . . interest . . . hard-earned ____ .... love and friendship, based IN THE LORD OF ALL, through all these years so far!   I would call you by name . . . BUT no need, as you know I know and appreciate you and have for--dare I say?--yes I do SAY . . . ETERNAL TIME! 

(Sorry if, yet again, being a little cryptic, but . . . that also is how is goes . . . has likewise gone . . . when the hordes and the invader comes in to "steal, kill and destroy".)

I pray for hours a day.  I suspect EVERY Believer does as well, especially now, with the smoky, fiery, teeming horde dust on the horizon . . , let alone, the inner life and the various assaults and attacks there (which are connected to those visible).

FAITH .... NEVER FORGET!  AND CONTINUE TO PURSUE THE DEEP MEANING AND IMPORT OF THIS WORD OF GOD: "Without faith it is impossible to please God." --Heb. 11:6


Meditate and ponder and pray about that directive!  AND this further information (EVERY WORD OF GOD IS ETERNALLY RELEVANT AND CHERISHED!)

"They" can shut down extroverted "free speech" . . . BUT "they" cannot subvert or control or rule FREE SPEECH IN THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD--THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN!  

YES.... "they" will try to so corrupt your mind and soul and brain and body, such that, you forget the Words of God and fail to apprehend or Hear The Holy Spirit (IF it were possible--it's NOT! for The Elect, take heart!)......... SO always be aware of the various programs and games and smoke and mirrors designed (within and without) to distract and divert you FROM THE SIMPLE TRUTH and LOVE OF GOD .... THAT YOU KNOW!  

It is a strait and narrow path.  The MORE distraction and manipulation (physically, spiritually, mentally etc.) that "they"/the enemy does . . . there is also the contrast becoming more obvious and achievable . . . between all of that evil intent VERSUS the pure, Good, lovely, divine presence and purpose of THE ONE TRUE HOLY GOD OF ALL.

Meditate, ponder/pray upon what He means by "the SUBSTANCE OF THINGS" . . . in this following snippet of Holy Scripture.  From my experience, for what it's worth, it is one of THE (among the many!) most Spiritually guiding and KEY passages, insights . . . into this . . . and the next experience of reality.... 


  the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

Brother Thomas ©2005

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