Sunday, August 25, 2024

Suffering Servant

 "Can we read, believe, ponder seriously the wonderful advantages of the Cross, and the great merit of suffering, here described, and not love to suffer, to receive crosses from the hands of Jesus Christ, and submit to endure whatever He pleases, and as much as He pleases, since to suffer much, and in a proper manner, is absolutely requisite for salvation, and is the most tender and efficacious effect of the goodness of God towards us, who does not spare us the pains of time that He may spare us those of eternity.

"It is to bear the visible character of the predestinate, which, according to St. Paul, consists in our resemblance to Jesus Christ, a humble, suffering, and persecuted God; it is to render ourselves worthy of His life of glory, by participating in His life of suffering; it is to efface the punishment due to our sins by perfect repentance; it is to gain the heart of Jesus Christ, merit His love, avenge Him, and punish ourselves, honor Him by our destruction, and prefer His good pleasure before our own satisfaction.

"Shall this not console thee under affliction, and animate thee to bear it with becoming resignation?

"Say, then, in the time of suffering, in order not to fail, 'Hell, which I have deserved, is something more horrible than anything I can now endure; my Savior has suffered much more for me; and heaven is worth infinitely more than I can undergo.'"  --T. A'K.


This attitude and thought . . . is and should remain foundational, as we exist within troubled times and persecution; especially as such intensifies.  Keep your eye and heart and intention of The Prize!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Total Warfare revisited (what to do?)

Years ago, warning of these very days we are in and about to get into deeper, I wrote and spoke about the military conquest concept/strategy of "total warfare". 

The "takeover", the conquest has already happened at the highest levels.  Then purging of next highest levels, down to middle management, fairly well complete.  Now, enough of the masses, hoi poloi . . . have been indoctrinated into the party line, agitated to hair-trigger violence, in order to cause street level mayhem and cow the remaining targeted native population into compliance, fear, trepidation, paralysis. . . . 

Meanwhile attacking through food, drugs, perversion of family and traditional (God-ordained) ordered hierarchies . . . plus, a well-oiled and ubiquitous surveillance state (ie., like when in the Soviet Bloc, people were afraid to speak above whispers inside their own homes, lest the dreaded vans and truncheons showed up in the middle of the night)....  Only now with the added advantage of ubiquitous spying technology, which is always listening, watching, recording. (ie., like how Ceausescu in Romania issued "free" state produced television sets to the people . . . which just happened to have recording devices installed, such that... while you're watching, listening to TV, it--the state--is watching and listening to you!)

AND just good old-fashioned bribed or coerced operatives/neighbors/family/friends listening and ready to turn you in for "incorrect thinking" ...... Yes, all very 1984ish. . . . .

What I love and believe (according to The Word) is that GOD is THE "OO"!  He is the ORIGINAL OMNISCIENT . . . and it is He Who is recording, noting, watching, listening to ALL.  (Hence why the pretender/rebel is attempting to mimic the same.  It was what I relayed Seeing . . . regarding my "electronic fence" interviews with Zeph mid-2000s. . . .

It's also what my song "Tri-borg Monstrosity" is about.  They/It/He/She/Baphomet trying to copy the surrounding and ubiquitous, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipresent presence and power of the triune God.

Anyway, I digress a bit....

I'm seeing the term "unrestricted warfare" popping up in social media, X, especially.  Patriot watchers have caught on to how 360degrees (what I called "total warfare) warfare is well under way and entering the final stage, "final solution".  Related to that, we are seeing civilian reports of compounds, camps, foreigners of some sort (military age, shape and size) scattered about the countrysides, hidden, stocking up . . . getting ready for "the word" to go mayhem on the native populace.

One day (I suspect it will be a precursor to what I once saw and called "the day of slaughter", or it may actually be that) these cells will activate.  Right now they are consolidating, jacking-up, getting comms established, getting ready.

I truly hope I am wrong. 

Problem is, everything I thought was going to happen, is. . . . The way I thought and saw it would look like . . . does.

The simple, good, hard-working people are so distracted and beset with basic survival, that they have no time to see these developments under their noses.  The enemies/Enemy use this basic naivete' to justify their oncoming conquest.  As in, to themselves, they think, "If you are so stupid and easily distracted and emasculated and cowed and drugged up and perverted . . . well then, you kinda get what you deserve!"

It has been this way through the centuries.  This is how conquest happens.  An angry, retaliatory violent, focused and determined cabal/cadre can easily wipe away the chap of a degenerate, corrupt, complaisant, Godless state/country/tribe/people. . . .

It's not rocket science.  It's old conquest strategies that work and have worked through the ages.

SO, seeing and have had seen for a long time now . . . what to do?  That is what everyone asks and thinks and wonders about and prays about, daily.  I know I do!  AND HAVE . . . for years, knowing/seeing what's coming. . . .

The Enemy is in (temporary) control and stewardship of this world, at the time.  We know this, because it is Written.

We also have the "cheat sheets" . . . given to His Own . . . to have a heads up on how it WILL go.

THAT is what I always go back to, regarding ie., how to prepare, what to do, what not to do, what to expect.

[sidenote: NOT EVERYONE . . . but most everyone . . . I see "succeeding" in the world, I am suspect of.  THEY should be suspect of their "success".  More times than not, one ends up "paying the piper" in the end.  Which "end" is what everyone should be bearing in mind.  What is the point of it all?  Where does one go after this life?"]

Just yesterday, these verses came to me, as I was praying, pondering, wondering, imploring my Lord what to do and asking for comfort and guidance, but submitted to WHATEVER HIS WILL IS FOR ME AND MY FAMILY (He gave to me). . . . . .

This is what He said:

-----"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death."

(That right there is exactly what happened during the "cultural revolution" in China under Mao.  Children turned on their elders, their very parents.  AND it has happened over and over and over, going back to the Garden)

-----"You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

(By this He, as always. reminds me of The Prize, The Crown of Glory . . . that He lovingly shares with HIS Family.  This life is short, a wisp in the wind, the grass withers and the flowers fall--there is a time for all things in His Order.  Submitted and trusting, with all the faith I can muster, I continue to look and hope for, yearn for the Glorious end . . . which is actually the beginning of all that is good, lovely, perfect, within His Will.  For those who persevere.)

-----"When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes."

("through the towns of Israel" means . . . through His chosen peoples' places.  And, as a Christian, that means, through those places, homes, areas, where Believers still exist amidst the destruction.  The Holy Spirit will guide as needed, as He wills you to survive and thrive, as Willed. . . . Well, and one of my longest running prayers, imploring's, deep as can be . . . is praying to be Given "LOVE OF GOD".

(We are natural enemies, haters of God.  All that is Good, Glorious . . . "successful" . . . "well done, my good and faithful servant" . . . comes from having being bestowed, through His grace, LOVE OF GOD!  

(My wife, thank God, has a similar bottom-line prayer amidst the storms, "let me be found to be in the center of Your Will."

(THESE answers to that nagging question of "what to do", "what do we do" . . . are not of this world, and nothing you can manufacture, nor "work"-at, through, ie., showing philanthropic good works, no matter how they may temporarily benefit others.  The Holy Spirit says to the lonely, scared, beset child of God.... PRAY FOR LOVE OF GOD!  PRAY, YEARN, CRAVE to have a burning, dedicated, sold-out LOVE OF GOD ABOVE ALL!  PRAY, SEEK TO BE GIVEN THE STRENGTH TO BE FOUND IN THE CENTER OF HIS WILL!  HELP!)

-----“The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master."  --Matt. 21-25

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Beware the Chasm (updated)


There is a giant, vast, un-leapable chasm . . . between the depths of our sin and depravity compared to the Holiness of God Almighty.  

Many are casually assuming they have done some good works, enough to get a pass. . . .

If you have been graced with experiencing the gift of The Holy Spirit, The Spirit Of Truth, The Comforter, Advocate . . . then you have experienced the lies blanketing this fallen world, beset on all sides, BUT, yet comforted in the Knowledge . . . of . . . what is called Heaven . . . in The Book.

It is truly sorrowful to witness how many are deluded and not graced and given such Knowledge.  HENCE why so many believers continue to preach, missionary, share as can, stake their lives on shouting from the rooftops THE GOOD NEWS! . . . The un-awakened are bereft of the Awe-full Truth and Glory of this reality/situation we find ourselves in.  I truly don't wish it on the worst of the worst (that includes me!)

Oh yes, He is a Personal and Awesome Lord!  Beyond all words, (though I thank God He gave us His Word(s)!)  The Lord of All!  It never fails to "blow my mind"!  Since early on . . . He "blows my mind"!  (Sorry to use seemingly apparently crass terminology.)  But He does and always has since a child.  

The Creator . . . of ALL?  YES! Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent!!! GOD!  

So, every thought, action, movement . . . Observed, Noted . . . AND I dare say, DESIGNED! For He is sovereign over all.  Alpha And Omega.

Fall on face worship is all there is . . . for the gifted worm--the least!  [ "I am the poorest of Your servants and a wretched worm, far more poor and worthless than I can ever realize or express. Yet, Lord, remember that I am nothing: I have nothing, and can do nothing."--Thomas A'kempis]

I have no question or confusion . . . about how His angels can and do and always have . . . sung His praises constantly and ongoing (but for the rebel ones, who wanted their own glory).

I yearn, pray for, and hope to witness and be a part of that glorious chorus!  FOR EVER!  

It is not one bit confusing or suspect to me . . . to consider that HEAVEN is utterly centered on, about and around, ALL ABOUT the glory and love and awe of God, THE CREATOR OF ALL!  And I pray and yearn . . . to be graced to be there doing that.]



We Don't Look At The Things Seen, But THE Things Not Seen!

 ". . . . as we received mercy, we do not lose heart . . . and even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they will not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God

". . . .we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing9persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed, always carrying around in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.

". . . . Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer person is decaying, yet our inner person is being renewed day by dayFor our momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison. . . .

'. . . . While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal."

--2 Cor. 4

(A timely message . . . eternally granted . . . for His Children, poignantly now more (as usual) than ever! 

As we trudge, march along, persevere through, within this "mortal coil" . . . behind enemy lines . . . with ever increasingly bedazzlement to distract, mis-direct etc., on the superficial level... WE KEEP IN MIND AND IN SOUL AND SPIRIT THE THINGS THAT ARE NOT "SEEN"!  FAITH! my friends, FAITH!!!

Friday, August 2, 2024

GOD ALMIGHTY! Melee Missives

The devil comes only to steal, kill and destroy.  

The Lord says "I have come that they may life and have it to the full.  I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep."

Because strait is the way and narrow is the gate, which lead unto life, and . . . few . . . there are who find themselves finding it.  ONLY BY THE GRACE OF GOD SHALL YOU FIND THE STRAIT AND NARROW WAY. 

(He keeps showing me the alternative...and I am not fond of having to relate it), but it is horrific nearly beyond human imagination.  Just remember, the fear of God IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM!  That wasn't said, Written in jest! Nope.  Please, listen.  

HE IS LORD and HE WILL NOT TOLERATE (CANNOT!) anything other than His Holy Presence... (Hence, THANK GOD! we have Jesus, GOD, Who suffered on our behalf.  It is astounding, lovely, beyond comprehension (hence why we get an eternity to suss it out!:) . . . . . The whole scenario is heavy, real, deep, dreadful, glorious, intense IF YOU HAVE THE EYES AND SOUL AND EARS AND SPIRIT TO hear The Word.

The many . . . who throw stones, who take the devilish ticket, who take the easy road . . . will throw calumny at you, with puffed up chest, proud, living a prideful life of self assertion, fancying themselves actually doing things.

The humble know that God rules ALL THINGS and are gloriously humiliated knowing and experiencing his easy yoke (yet, a yoke it is!).

Cleave to The Word Of God . . . and that means . . . search Him night and day . . . strive . . . find yourself yearning for the Truth and the Light and His HOLY Presence.  

This is serious business.  This is serious life.  This is amazing potential.  BUT NOT IN YOURSELF.


(just a fellow shouting from the watchtower and seeing the hordes a-gathering, fwiw)

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Being Aware Of Personal Space

 On another note.  As one who is out and about because of work, in various areas of the city and outskirts. . . . I have several times run into the new interlopers, of various types and styles.  Cartel cats.  They are everywhere, laying low for now, but very confident and macho roiling underneath.  I fear no no one but God.  Yes, there is a normal sense of self-defense awareness, danger--you know it when you feel and see it; and THAT I have sensed and been made aware of.  

These are killers (I'm specifically referencing the cartel crews and gangsters) and will have no qualms about . . . cutting to the chase when the time comes and the coast is clear to do so.  Heads up.  They are fine with heads off. . . . Jus' sayin. . . .

And yes, I'm also meeting and seeing the more innocent, familial kinds who are just trying to get out of their hellholes (ruled by the same cartel cats).  They are sweet and hard working, religious and not wanting any trouble. . . 

BUT . . . there are the hard core infiltrators who have nothing but nefariousness on their minds and in their purpose.  They are here (usa) . . . pretty much in every nook and cranny of the country now. . . . Laying low . . . lowriders . . . but well funded, full of hubris and machismo, criminal experience, no conscience, hard of heart, backed-up by the perverse demonic elite and have no problem, if they have the whim, to murder, rape, plunder, steal, subvert, pervert, even (especially!) the most innocent and vulnerable.

Anyway, I increasingly come across them, just out and about, in places you wouldn't expect.  They are here and now getting ubiquitous.  

So, keep your "head on a swivel" (so you don't lose it, lol!)  

But seriously, yeah . . . as I've said before, we are behind enemy lines, in many ways.  More and more of those ways are getting increasingly up close and in personal space.  

Brother Thomas ©2005

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