Friday, March 8, 2024

Just Imagine

Pre-election . . . imagine a day, perhaps a Monday, banks close.  And they stay closed for days, weeks possibly.  Internet and power outages.  Sleeper cells strike power plants, water facilities, but you don't know, because there is no information about what is happening.  You can't buy food or gas, because debit card won't work.  Looting, rioting commences.  It doesn't take long until food and water become real issues.  Like a thief in the night, this scenario could suddenly arrive.  All the gangs, terrorists, criminals begin rampaging.  Could small rural communities suddenly find themselves under control of armed cartel-like operators--those folks who thought themselves far from the cities and lawlessness are now surrounded, infested. . . .  Do foreign soldiers under guise of UN forces soon appear to "maintain law and order"?  No news, no one knows what's going on.  It's fend for yourself time. . . .

I pray not.  I hope not.  But won't be one bit surprised if the "next big thing" has a shape similar to this scenario.  Think ahead, have some sort of plan.  Imagine this worst case scenario, what you will, should do.  Of course, staying in close relationship with God, with the guidance of The Holy Spirit, for Believers is preeminent, for I do believe there WLL be guidance for His remnant, as always.

1 comment:

Roger said...

Dear Bro. T.

Yep. I thought about and have reviewed a lot of different scenarios.
First of all. I think a good first aid kit is a key thing. And learn how to do suturing!
If you happen to have a honest and open-minded physician, get some antibiotics on hand:
The best one which I would recommend is Keflex. Keflex treats skin infections from staph.
And Keflex is also inexpensive. A real plus. However, before buying find out its shelf-life.
Regarding bug-out bags; well, when things fall apart, there will be no where to go.
Look at it this way, roads will be littered and blocked by cars which can't run.
There are many options to heating food; until, the coals, wood or propane runs out.
Get a portable commode from a health supply store. And buy something to create compost.
Because, what goes in will come out!
Expect to do all of this on your own. Be circumspect. Don't share your plans with anyone.
If you know anything about scripture, it's those in your circles which will cause you harm.

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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