Sunday, January 21, 2024

Heeding The Call!

 "Calling, Call" ... [What it means, Biblically . . . and VERY important, critical to know and heed NOW.]

"This [Calling, Call] is one of the most common words in the Bible, representing over twenty words in the Hebrew and Greek text.  In the Old Testament the emphasis is on Israel's corporate destiny; whereas in the New Testament the emphasis is on the call of the individual to repentance, faith and service.

The 'called' comprise a larger group than the 'chosen' who respond.

 . . . . The verb 'call' and the noun 'calling' almost always denote that sort of call which is issued by the Father, and is made effective through the Spirit.  It is [just] such a call that produces response of faith in Christ.

. . . . As the message of the Gospel is heralded to every creature, as the general call is issued, God works by His Spirit in the hearts of those chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world to draw them to the Son. Such a call is issued by the Father, made effective by the Spirit through the Word and draws us into fellowship with the Son." 

--Zondervan Vol. 1(emphases, mine)

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