Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Worldwide Communist Totalitarianism

 It was in one of my early interviews with Zeph Daniel back around 2004-5? 

Anyway, he asked "So what is the future? What do you see?" (concerning geopolitical worldly events, intentions etc.)

And I instantly replied,  "Worldwide Communist Totalitarianism".

Back in those days, people were still thinking "Communism is dead".

I knew it wasn't.  I suggested that, when "the (Berlin) wall came down", WHAT DIDN'T HAPPEN was that "freedom & 'democracy" now would flow into the "east" communist bloc. . . .

No. . . .  I said, what actually happened was the opposite.  

Full-blown communist agenda--now that the "wall" is "down"--means that.... Here comes the comrade . . . full-bore . . . TO THE WEST!

I was right.  Here we are.  Now, it is common parlance to talk about how socialist/communists are taking over everything.  Actually, they have been imbedded for a long time.  

The CABAL . . . have been trying to subvert, destroy, pervert, kill THE CHILDREN OF GOD since The Garden fall.  These are demonically infested, devil inspired worldly hosts who want to utterly defeat God's Plan.  They have been busy all through the centuries. They devised Marxism/Communism/Socialism as the blunt-force, destructive vanguard. 

However, Truth has a way of continuing to slip through the cracks of their would-be ubiquitous control of the world.  SO, these days, as general truths are being exposed (ie., the corruption and pedophile perversion of the so-called "elites", many are waking up to what is really (and long has been) going on behind the scenes . . . .  

"They" will not let this stand.  "They" are gearing up for some big moves in order to finally crush the growing resistance.  I don't see them as desperate, but, rather, just getting to their final phase, "final solution" (the destruction of God's Children and enslavement within evil of those remaining.

It has always been difficult, so don't find yourself feeling special in the way of being particularly oppressed and targeted.  THE CHILDREN OF GOD--BELIEVERS . . . are, and have always been under attack.  It has been non-stop.  

There is a secret society "underground", carrying on through the many years . . . who now, are going to go for it in full! They HATE humanity.  They HATE God's Children.  They HATE all that is Good, righteous and Designed.

Yes, we are dealing we demonically possessed "leaders" and tons and tons of willing accomplices....

Within, without your home . . . beware . . . because it is non-stop, and even those within and without, may be on the Enemy's payroll. . . . 

Sidenote:  And as I've long said . . . Russia, China, however . . . will be seen and accepted as liberators.   (Because they've long infiltrated our--USA, "Western"-- governments and deliberately corrupted them to the point such that the people now generally despise their own government). . . .  

And so, as according to all the last times The Cabal has sought to subvert, infiltrate & destroy, THEY will also persecute.  I do expect the USA will be occupied by "foreign" military presence.  They are already setting the stage, bringing in millions of "military-aged" young and oft vicious, hardened young men (and women) who will most eagerly be employed to engage in the hot revolution.  They are already being conscripted as police officers in some cities and will also be in the military officially, and will enjoy terrorizing and brutalizing the native populace.  

I've been mentioning and referring to "persecution" of the Saints lately, to give some context AND, MOST ESPECIALLY give solace and strength (ALL is being "recorded"! AND ALL will be ultimately found out and judged, by the perfect, righteous Judge!) 

So, yes, things are getting revealed and many more are waking up to "their" ways.  Hence, "they" MUST be  setting up big-time "false-flag" scenarios--ANYTHING they can come up with, out of the many possibilities already decided and trained for. . . . 

Also, there is little to no doubt . . . that they will instigate some sort of "global" scenario asap, to make sure (in their demonically, drug-addled minds) that a big, huge, diversion comes along . . . so that their disgusting evils should remain hidden. 

It's the same culprits.  Always has been.  They who are furious and terrified about the reality of the resurrection. . . .

Meanwhile, don't be fooled by "the liberators" . . . "liberating" us from our corrupt governments.  THEY corrupted our governments in the first place....... NOW they want to blame US and this or that. . . . and then, after having caused all the chaos and destruction, THEY want to, and will, come in with their ("salvation") plan, to save the day--to save us from our corrupt governments. . . . .

OH!  And also be True and be aware--(hence why I've thrown up some knowledge/history of Christian martyrs)--That, INDEED! . . . . . . every time, since centuries ago. . . . THEY WILL persecute, target, demoralize, subvert, infiltrate, assault, kill, maim, torture, WAGE DAILY WAR ON . . . . The Believers and Faithful . . . of GOD!--THE ONE TRUE AND ONLY LIVING GOD!!! 

(The Kingdom Of God is within--GO THERE!  ALSO, we have HEAVEN to look forward to!:)

"For the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life, and there are few who find it."  --Matt. 7-14

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