Friday, November 11, 2022

I Dig Old Maps

 I've always dug maps--old maps, the old style cartography. . . . When I was a young writer--writing fantasy, sci-fi type stuff . . . one of the great fun parts . . . was drawing a map of the "world" I'd imagined . . . a' la Tolkien style maps. . . .

Anyway, . . . yeah. Sidenote, lol. I've also had a thing for maps.  (Kinda like . . . well, also I dig architectural drawings.  They look cool.  If they are intriguing and done well . . . they look fantastic framed and hung on walls. . . .)

This here is a map I had not known of 'til recently.  Thought I'd share.  I haven't delved into the provenance of the whole story too deeply yet . . . but off the cuff, considered it worth sharing over here in this little corner . . . of . . . the vast . . . (plenty-much deliberately-hidden) current temporal realm. . . . 

Here then is a little vignette, video-report on a purportedly long-lost, hidden, but then finally found ancient old map . . . and somewhat of the story thereof . . . fwiw.


Jesus is KING said...

Fascinating beyond imagination. I cant wait to meet the Lord, but one of the imaginings I have is that he will show me all things, the true history here, what it is and who was doing what to whom who was against me and did things secretly ect. Reveal EVERYTHING! I hope and pray he puts a capstone on this nuthouse so we can understand every detail, then truly move on and forget!

Peace and prayers.


Roger said...

Hello Bro. T.

I ran again into this posting by you. So, hopefully, you'll see my little terse comment. :)
Anyways, I wish I could remember the blog or video I saw regarding Admiral Byrd's flight.
What I remember was a guy explaining how the encyclopedias have been rewritten. He had a
copy of an encyclopedia from the 30's to 40's era which had a description of what Byrd seen
way down under. Like way down under. He saw a land that was lush with green vegetation and
all kinds of animals roaming about it. A couple things came to my mind. Someone (?) doesn't
want us to know about this, and is it possible that Byrd crossed some kind of dimensional
boundary or portal? Is it possible that there's another part of our world which is
currently hidden from us? Could that golden city in revelations be an metaphor for this
hidden land or world? I don't believe in rapture theory; however, I do believe that some
will be quite likely be translated to this hidden place when things get truly ugly here.
A place of rest and rejuvenation for the faithful believers.
Oh my, so much for a little terse comment? :)

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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