Thursday, November 24, 2022

"Clump'o-dex" Drop 2022

Every so often--[and btw HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my friends! God bless you and blesses you --THANK YOU GOD FOR ALL!]-- I clean out my old, worn-out lunch box bag and get a new one.  It always has, amidst my stuff, what we refer to 'round here as my "clump'o-dex" (which is a take off of the old timey "rolodex")....notes, information, numbers, contacts etc.  In my case, my "clump'o-dex" (which is a wad of random, beat-up, dissolving old scraps of papers) contains various and sundry of my occasional, quick written-down spiritual "downloads", poems, lyrics, thoughts, quotes from others. . . . For the most part, I don't remember why or when I felt the need to grab pen and scrap of paper at the time.  So they are oft a surprise to me, lol!  (BTW, I don't edit or correct the grammar.  Just relay as is, as was, scribbled down at the time--so some of it is.... WOOOOO... lol...... BUT ... I do dare say some of it may be inspired, slightly interesting and what-not, praise God.)

So, without much context for each of the "entries" (since I can't remember it exactly) I nevertheless like to just jot them down here, in the blog of record as is, for kicks . . . and for some acknowledgment, before I toss them out. . . . The info in the brackets [ ] are my current rough ideas or attribution re what it was I was jotting down.  

ANYWAY... Sooooo . . . no "big shakes", but here below is the transportation of  "Clump'o-dex" circa 2019-22. . . . (Well, and I fancy--in my hopes and prompting--that some of these random thoughts, "downloads" MAY serendipitously find themselves pertinent or amusing at very least, to the occasional or regular reader) :)

Here we go:


 "The devises of power & its minions, in all countries, and in all ages, it marks its victim, and denounces it, exciting the public hatred, so it can conceal its OWN abuses and encroachments."-- Henry Clay quote 

--"God has a purpose--an intent for our future existence--how and what we will eventually be.  And it's like a father that wants to create & cultivate a certain type of child.  For us to love Him all the more (which is the highest joy of existence) He puts us through this mortal, even fallen existence.)  Like a father who only wants his child to succeed at the intended goal.  Some pain involved.  He doesn't enjoy that suffering, but it's necessary to His end."  .........[Bro. T]

--"Randa-mazz . . . Shiz-a-max (a bit of a dog whisperer) ...........[I have not idea why I wrote this, but I AM a dog whisperer, lol]

--Bigfoot . . .  Gumba-Mckai ..... [I suspect I was listening to some Bigfoot type podcast and "gumba-mckai" was a word that a purported bigfoot used.... but not sure, heh...]

--[Hah... I just remembered ... this following list of phrases, I wrote down when considering doing some satire on British characters, verbiage etc., with a podcast bit in mind....well... and it helps to read these with a hard cockney type british accent for full effect]:

-tosser, toff

-a plod (street copper)

-clip joint

-would u like some custard w/that crumble

-the old bill

-"blues & two's" (cops?)


-bent copper

-they're "5-0's" (undercover cops)

-Guv (screw)

-Stitchin you up

-paw-ee (party)

-"I was a corner boy"

-It's the Queen's birfday...about the thirteenth"... "wait 13th?" Not firnteef" No...

--the nick (jail)



--of his head

--a firm, Northcastle

--30 stone he weighed


--get bummed


--southern wankers

-9 to fives

-kickin' off (start a fight)

-"green crack" (spice)

"of course they deny anyfin', & everyfin'"

--[This following appears to be some lyrics I wrote in a quick minute with guitar in hand, I vaguely recall a year or so ago?]: 

           "Strolling along, got somewhere to go/clowns & psychopaths litter the road,

             I've got my eye on the skies, single between all the lies, so we go

             Down the road.

             There's a rustle in the hedge-brush (eyes on side)

             Got a flurry of distractions (they try to hide)

             Illiel (ILL-ILL) in the park

             Put eye to the string, string to the shaft, shaft to the mark (don't miss the mark, sucka)

--"Truth without love is no good, love without truth is no good. We need to operate with BOTH Love and Truth!  God is Love. God is Truth>BOTH!  .....[Bro T.]

--"If we love God then we love His laws, His rules (the 10 commandments). Jesus calls us to be holy.  To follow God's laws--AND His law is based in love.  He loves us and we love Him and each other.  If we love God we should love His laws......... In these troubled times, God says read The Psalms to comfort you...............Beware 'false teachers' attacking the church from within.  Beware people who claim to be REAL CHRISTIANS but are actually servants of the devil!. . . . . . Jesus DID come back in His own body, was PHYSICIALLY here--not just 'spiritually'.  This is important to know, the Bible says! . . . . .  TRUTH is important. LOVE is important. . . . . 

--Seek to love and serve God above all!  He will guide your path and protect and bless you, beyond all deserving.



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