Monday, February 8, 2021

It/They/"HeShe" Can't Take It Away!

Meanwhile.... STRIVE!  Why? Because The Spirit is speaking through, reaching through, grasping through . . . the noise and oppressive (multi-faceted) machinations that are impinging on your soul.  And so you will!

In the night, between the attempted "programmed" dreams . . . in those ominous, silent moments, where DEATH is staring at you.  Replace the negative thoughts, impulses, impositions . . . WITH POSITIVE LIFE AFFIRMING, LIFE LOVING, GOD LOVING impetus!  It's there.  He's there, here!

And He is Speaking through the gloom.

Gotta stay positive in THE HOPE of what you Believe and have Faith in......

It's not tawdry "positive thinking" tricks.  It's Real.  The hope of hopes!  All that there Is.  He is that He is.

No lowlife devil scum can take that away.  The Adversary CAN'T take it away, no matter the current illusions and misdirections, delusions.  Nope.

I believe I Know this.  And I'm sticking to it.

So will you!

1 comment:

Roger said...

Dear Bro. T.

Thank you so very much for your uplifting words and encouragement.

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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