Sunday, February 28, 2021

OK BOOMER (golden oldy rant, for the fun of it:) If I had a "top ten" list of rants . . . this might be #1.... It's def in the top 5.

Before (as usual with me) it was fashionable to nail the Baby Boomers (as in, "OK Boomer") I wrote a rant here . . . basically capturing the gist of the now familiar tirade . . . towards the knuckleheads who--as a general generation--turned a blind eye against the future, stupidly tricked by a mass of psyops and propaganda . . . not curious at all, but just taking all the cream while they could get it, saying "well... if I'M not happy, then how can I make YOU happy?"  Which was just a lame excuse for narcissistic, self-absorbed modeling and behavior.  Now, ya can't hardly blame them.  (Which I don't, actually, blame them...) Their "best generation" parents were just as fooled and deluded and ungodly as any other.  I dare say, EVERY generation since The Fall has been selfish, deluded, FALLEN, goofy.... BUT, ya gotta hand it to the Boomers.  They did it in style, and had fun time while they had it (supposedly, lol)...

Anyway..... Yeah, so for auld lang syne, and just (for no particular reason, other than it's a funny good rant) remembering the best of golden oldy Bro T rants.... 

So... Read below... the treasured (in some quarters) rant 😆


From blogs posted:

Thanks For Nothing, Degenerate Fools

Infamy, treachery, horror, oppression, totalitarianism with a iron GREEN fist! Ohhhh... the fools and dupes who have brought us to this madness--"cap and trade"--which actually should be called "slap and raid" or, simply "rape and pillage" . . . for it is nothing more than government/criminal syndicate reallocation of wealth. Oh, the mind-numbed, pea-brained ninnies who are cheering on the lying dictator--.

It is so sad what is being done to destroy us, enslave us, at daily breakneck pace. The self-absorbed "me-generation" baby boomers, so clueless and pleasure seeking now steering us off the cliff, having soaked up the wealth and momentum of a once-free country . . . partying, cruising, diddling themselves--now bequeathing a country in ruins to their children and grandchildren . . . which children now shall live under the boot of communist/fascist dictatorship, lack, starvation, torture, imprisonment, . . . bleak, struggling, grey lives trying to scramble for scraps, hide from the "man", keep one's head low . . . .

Oh, thank you hippy and disco generation--you in your 60s and 70s now . . . about to leave the scene . . . for being so wrapped up in your own little "i gotta please myself" bubbles, uneducated, unmindful, uninterested in what was going on around you . . . . Now coming to this. Thank you so much for giving me a country led by a communist, a degenerate, adulterous, sell-out congress, CFR and Trilateralist Governors and Mayors, racist and bought off legislatures . . . .

Thank you for mocking and deriding "conspiracy theorists" and "right-wing extremists" who have been screaming from the rooftops, if one just took a moment to search, learn and listen--those "kooks" who have been trying to warn you in your beads, your disco pumps, then your yuppy suit--who you called "nuts", "crazy", "paranoid".

While you went merrily on your way . . . the enemy THRILLED that you never took such threats seriously. Yesssss..... just ssssssstay assssleeeeeep.....nothing to sseeee here.....everything is fine........

Oh, thank you so much for giving me and my children a near future of want, lack, terror, confiscation, oppression, pervasive control, perverted movies, tv, music, art . . . . . as you "let it all hang out." YOU who never went to church, opened your bible, gave ten minutes thought about God or the purpose to life . . . nice job!

Oh, but no worries. You're old and about to die now. You took all the wealth, all the freedom, all the good times, all the opportunity . . . and squandered it in mindless, dopey, pleasure seeking . . . leaving me and my children with a mere husk of a country, rapidly descending into complete authoritarian control, riot, decay, and LACK of opportunity. Nice. Gee, thanks. Hope it was good for ya. Way to go. Now what? Oh, you never bothered thinking about the meaning of your life? You never bothered praying to or about God? Hmmm. That's interesting. Maybe that's why you lived such a worthless, self-serving, piece of garbage, treacherous and lecherous existence . . . . You think? Just maybe? Ah..... what's the use . . . you're on your way out now ..... Leaving us with a fine mess to clean up after your orgy of irresponsible self-seeking and self-pleasure. Just please, on your way to wherever now you will end up going . . . don't offend me with having the audacity of dope to call me "paranoid", "Kooky", "fringe", "conspiracy theorist" as you leave the place in ruins and in the hands of the very controllers me and others have been warning about for decades. YOU would look like a stupid old fool at that point. Maybe just leave quietly, now that you've had your fun. Some of us now are going to be quite busy . . . surviving, protecting our families, scraping for mere existence, fending off the goon squad . . . so please forgive if I'm not too obeisant at your grand exit. How 'bout just beat it. We, sadly . . . have A LOT of work to do now because of your immature, dopey-headed, un-informed degenerate swaray of a life . . . .

Now, for added fun, I've done a little BT Code mash-up regarding the horrendous Cap and Trade idiotic "global warming" bill which just passed the House . . . . Below are some quick snippets of blog I wrote earlier, which fairly though briefly state my thoughts on the matter:

Tie this together with the globalist, totalitarian environmentalist agenda . . . and you've got a system of complete control. TOTAL CONTROL over every living individual . . . you are known as a "carbon-based lifeform". . . they are sprinkling the enviro discussion with the term "carbon footprint", "carbon credits" . . . Now, come CAP AND TRADE . . . first for companies, but eventually for people. What this means is that everyone will be allotted a certain amount of "acceptable" "carbon footprint". As in, each person will get a certain carbon credit to exist. If you go OVER your allotted amount (which means that you used too much electricity, or too much water, ot bought too many consumer items (RFID tracked) with each of those items also contributing to your "carbon footprint" allotment . . . well . . . then you will be fined . . . or jailed . . . or will have to give up something that you own to OFFSET your "carbon footprint" which you are making above the regulated amount. YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL will be tracked, as to what YOU are "doing to the earth" ..... through RFID, Verichip, and CAP and TRADE regulations . . . . .

Which means, that most people will try to do as little as possible.... the end of industry . . . the end of entrepreneurs . . . of too much activity . . . . Everything grinding to a halt . . . . UNLESS of course, directed by the overlords, who will decide what and where and when activity is "ok."

Of course, too, the chip will just be put in the hand, or maybe the forehead... to make it more convenient , with all your information . . . and if you don't have the chip, you won't be allowed to participate in the market . . . and it will all be staged as a matter of "saving the planet" "sustainable development", "global governance" . . . . .

The fools and dupes who have supported and pushed along the environmentalist agenda can be thanked for much of the political and social controls, policies, that will be used to CONTROL THOSE WHO WOULD BE LEFT ALONE, as "carbon crediting", "carbon footprint", "cap and trade" are used to justify total surveillance and interference with any and everyone who tries to live free and "out of the loop."
The Green Movement is nothing more--as I've long written--than a disguised, subversive means of obtaining absolute communistic/totalitarian control over every living thing on the planet. It was totally designed and fabricated to be such. And the agenda is working perfectly.

Ironically, those who love nature and would love to live free and unhindered in it, and who are the very type of people who have been helping and supporting the Green Movement . . . are the dupes who are unwittingly bringing the iron fist to make it so that NO ONE will be able to live free, self-sufficient, "off the land", "in nature", etc.

Sick irony isn't it? But that's how evil works. It loves to use, betray, and then . . . kill if possible, the useful idiot . . . who stupidly sells themselves and others out. Actually there is some harsh simple justice in the thing . . . .

Likewise, the liberals, the old hippies, those who chaff at "rules of society", who hate "morality", or any other control . . . who have railed against "right wing fascism" . . . are the very ones who are helping, bringing along the most complete and draconian fascism, dictatorship . . . that has ever been implemented (thanks to progress in technology, which will aid the totalitarian "green" regime in monitoring, collecting information, people and what they do.)


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Bro T Out

 I want to tell you real quick..... I talked to Him the other day.... You who Know Him will recognize....

He is a friend.  He is severe beyond words.  He is a friend beyond words.  He gets you in every moment.

He.. (and I do mean HE!) is the Lord of all.  And he doesn't suffer fools.  HE has a point to make. How dare anyone challenge The God Of All!  

He talks to you like a friend . . . AND a SUBJECT!  



i will happily go down to my dying day proclaiming this.  

We talked for about 25 minutes.... 


Anytime GOD talks to you..... you ought listen......

He said:

He cherishes our interaction.  He loves when we seek Him out out. He loves . . . that WE care and seek Him out!  He wants to talk!

He has provided all the info we need to do this (Bible).  . . . AND HE will talk to YOU individually . . . . .

BUT ... He is Sovereign . . . . ! 

So, when He talks , He is like a severe Friend.... He doesn't mince words.... yet He is loving and REALLY REALLY ......... just wants to talk to you.  PERSONAL.   He Does and Is This.


That's what He said.

Bro T... out 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Interesting Deluge Thoughts fwiw

I saw this posted somewhere.... Just think its an interesting read, fwiw... I’m not condoning it... Just fun reading and a provocative take....


The face of the Earth still bears the marks of the Deluge: the fossil and sedimentary record and the great geological formations like the Grand Canyon were formed not over millions of years but suddenly and violently during the rapidly receding waters of the Flood.

Most of the waters of the Flood came from below the earth, not above, a fact supported by recent scientific discoveries of massive underground oceans: [link to (secure)

The ancients knew the exact location of this opening from which the waters of the Deluge issued forth. In the Book of Enoch, we are told that it lies in the midst of the Canary Islands. The capital of Atlantis, of which ancient Egypt was but once province, lies not very far from this doorway to the underground, watery abyss, to the East in Mauritania, at a location now known as the Richat Structure.

The closer a generation was to Adam, the more advanced they were in every respect: genetically, culturally, scientifically. The world was very advanced before the Deluge and nature itself was "richer"; this is why people then lived hundreds of years. Atlantis was the civilization that Adam and his immediate descendants had built. It was a worldwide empire, and was the civilization whose violence and degeneracy eventually brought God's Chastisement in the form of a worldwide Deluge. All that remains of that civilization are its megalithic foundations. The rest was literally wiped off the face of the earth and sucked down into a massive drain. If you look at satellite imagery of North Africa near the Richat Structure you can see the marks left by the rapidly receding waters on the face of the landmass as the land was defaced by the tremendous suction.

The Earth and humanity are not millions of years old. This is just one of many lies of the heresy known as "Materialism," with no basis in real science, first peddled by Epicurus and more recently repackaged by Darwin and Lyell.

The first man was created approximately 3897 BC. The Flood began around 2241 BC. The subsequent world population, descending from the 8 people on the Ark (a sobering thought given our current political divisions) wasn't dispersed until after the birth of Peleg, 101 years after the Flood. The Deluge was the demarcation line between an advanced, "ancient" civilization and the "modern" world we find ourselves in today. Here is the correct timleline:

Creation of Adam: 3897 BC
The Deluge: 2241 BC
Birth of Abraham: 1948 BC
Abraham in Egypt: 1873 BC
Birth of Isaac: 1848 BC
Birth of Jacob: 1788 BC
Jacob enters Egypt: 1658 BC
Death of Jacob: 1641BC
Exodus: 1443BC
Death of Moses: 1403BC
David becomes King: 1007BC
Jerusalem becomes David's capital: 1000BC
Solomon becomes King: 967BC
Solomon begins building the Temple: 963BC
Birth of Christ: on or before 4BC

The sedimentary record demonstrates that there was a worldwide cataclysmic flood.

For starters, we find marine fossils on the tops of every mountain worldwide. Take Mt. Everest. When Sir Edmund Hillary reached the 26,000 ft level he stuck his pick into the ground to pull himself up and noticed sea shells. In fact, there are thousands of sea shells on Everest from 26,000 ft all the way to the summit. These shells were found petrified in the closed position (when a clam dies it opens) meaning that they all died while still alive in a cataclysmic event.

Secondly, 75% of the Earth's crust is sedimentary rock laid down by water in which we find sedimentary rock and graveyard fossils worldwide. In these worldwide fossil graveyards we find the bones of all kinds of animals compressed together layer upon layer demonstrating that there was indeed a worldwide cataclysmic flood. Animals that should not even be found together were found all together in these massive graveyard layers.

Then you have the evidence from coal beds and oil deposits. Some strip mines have coal seams up to 200 feet thick. It takes 3 meters of vegetation to make 1 foot of coal, so these 200ft seams would require 1800 feet of vegetation, quickly covered by mud, to form them. And that is just one seam! This implies a massive cataclysm.

I am also reminded of the many ancient utensils and artifacts that are found in coal seams worldwide. For example, the cast iron pot found in a coal seam in 1912 at the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Oklahoma. Or the bell found inside a coal seam in 1944 by Newton Anderson in West Virginia. Or the metallic vase that was discovered in a solid sedimentary rock by miners in 1851 in Dorchester, Mass. The list goes on. According to our enlightened evolutionary scientists, these coal seams and layers are hundreds of thousands or millions of years old. Yet we continue to find civilized artifacts in these layers. That's because these layers are not very old but instead were created only several thousand years ago during the rapid, cataclysmic destruction of the Deluge which trapped the bones of ancient animals and the relics of ancient peoples in sedimentary layers.

Besides being found in massive quantities, fossils are often discovered in incredible states of preservation. Fossils have been found of marine reptiles giving birth, eggs with preserved embryos inside them, fish eating other fish, and even fossilized animal droppings. This mass preservation is difficult for materialists to explain because it is not the natural order. They often postulate local floods as a mechanism of fossilization, but it is fair to say that no flood, tsunami, or hurricane in recorded history has preserved the remains of organisms in the quantities and state of preservation seen in the fossil record. The Deluge is the culprit.

Modern science will be stuck in the mud of technological stagnation until it comes to terms with the central importance of the Deluge with regard to the sedimenatry and geological record.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Indeterminable

When Jesus said He spits out the lukewarm.... He meant it.  Hot or Cold.  The indeterminable ... the mush between... the props... the non-aligned... the npc's... etc.... are not what it's about.

 You find yourself on one side or the other.  The Indeterminable . . . are fodder.

Nothing personal... But yeah... the mushy middle . . . not so much.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

He is here now

 When i talk to The Lord, God, Jesus (suspiciously, the Name hated above all) AS I DID TODAY! .... He says Remember Me”.... 

We spend and waste SO much time NOT being grateful.... 

He wants moment to moment communication .....

NO! He of course is not needy! That is a blasphemous thought!

He is real.

He is alive.

He is moment to moment.

He is love.

He is PEACE.

He is right here, right now, .. “waiting” to talk to you.


We talked today. As usual, it was/is extremely humbling. “The Great Dressing Down” yet again.... ALWAYS!!!

And... He is the close Friend. Now. 

And i mean now!

He is Here Now. Talking... Wanting to speak to you.....

He  is sweet, and never ceases to blow my mind. I am at mist, a slave, humble servant, fool, dependent, wanting, poor in spirit, OH HOW I LOVE MY LORD!.... 

(Yeah... He been reaching out today...)

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Suffer The Children/You Love God.

"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."


That means, you better have YOUR head/heart/soul/spirit et al in the situation.... Because if you don't, you will become a baby killer.  You will hate kids, hate toddlers, hate all that is innocent, weak, dependent, .... God is for the weak!  HE CAME AS "WEAK"....  The least....

Oy, I hate bullies.  Especially unaware, mindless, robotic, knee-jerk BULLIES!

So does God.

Bullying to me has always been disgusting.  I was bullied (as most everyone one is who is blessed)....

You will get bullied.

You are in Good company :)!

Justice is True.

Patience . . . Faith . . . "wait". . . . .

And this means that YOU must be OF God to not end up being a bully to the innocent, "the children" . . . . . When He says "forbid not" He is laying the responsibility on YOU first . . . to be in just such a Spiritual state . . . that it will not preclude, let alone actively dissuade, destroy . . . those under your care.  AND GUESS WHAT? As a Christian . . . ALL are under your care!  For ALL those/these are Imago Dei!  We are called to love God above all and then love others as much as we love ourselves!  The rest hangs on these two.  

Which means . . . if you are within those first two commandments . . . for real . . . the others will follow. . . . . AND, by your adherence to and love of God (and His) you will NOT, by result, be "forbidding" the children . . . to come unto Him. You will SUFFER . . . as you do this . . . in glorious similitude of what He did, suffering (obviously, albeit, infinitely to a lesser degree!;)




"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

NOTE.... "as some understand slowness" . . . 

We are programmed to be impatient.... All the wicked little beasts and losers (nothing personal, buuuut, sorry, God choses Who He will....) ..... but yeah, re "understanding slowness" .... In the Spiritual real.... there is no time . . . as we "understand"/experience it here.....

So, Actually . . . He is QUICK! .... (yeah, it SEEMS slow in this time/'material"-World miasma... BUT it's not!  You KNOW it's not!  It's fast!  And HE is fast! .......His Promise(s) are INSTANT! . . . Whether you realize it in this "slow" time or not!


Just like . . . HE IS THAT HE IS!  THE GREAT I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Love God!  So do you, I dare say ;)!  You can't NOT, if you see, know, hear, feel . . . and are touched/taken by Him.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Characters, Times, Tech, Clothes, Bustle, Faces

You've likely seen this before, or other refurbished films from late 1800s, early 1900s.... But it's just so fascinating... the details, the characters, the times . . . especially viewing now in context of these 2021 times... can be enjoyed several times viewing... So, just felt like throwing this up again... (check out the faces, the clothes, the architecture, the vibe, the bustle, the intention, the technology...etc... So cool that we have record of this.....)   

[Next... wanna get back to the new dream thing....turns out, others are also experiencing it... and... want to emphasize/clarify . . . the "positive thinking" defensive-programming technique... I have some new, positive updates on that... BUT OF COURSE, above all, nothing, in that sense, replaces, is more important than DIRECT ONE TO ONE prayer, communication . . . WITH THE GOD OF ALL!  The LORD. The MASTER. The blessed One.....]


Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Stages Of The Takeover

From an article by George Stevens from The NOQ Report

The Peaceful Takeover Of The United States

"This is an outline of the events of the past 70 years since Khrushchev announced “We will conquer you from within.” These phases are facets of an overall strategy run in concert with each other like parts of a symphony. 

Phase 1 – Develop a group of academics that can infiltrate the United States using education and work visas. Route them into the U.S. through other countries. This phase actually started before Khrushchev made his announcement.

Phase 2 – Using this small “army”, gain jobs in the teaching profession with universities and colleges as the main target in order to spread the doctrine of communism as the real truth. This phase turned our higher learning institutes into indoctrination centers and is still going on.

Phase 3 – The indoctrinated graduates will work their way into every facet of society. The primary target, public school systems, will be turned into indoctrination centers. Businesses, media, the court system, law enforcement, military, and local, state and federal governments will be slowly entrenched with hard core and communistic leaning individuals.

Phase 4 – Purchase/take control of all information dissemination. The ownership of every newspaper and news station can ultimately be tracked back to one of five companies that are all owned or controlled by socialist/communistic groups. The propaganda will be slowly increased so that people gradually come to believe the lie as truth. Vilify and seek to eradicate all conservative media and communication.

Phase 5 – Spread ideology that will destroy the foundations of the culture. Use emotion as the force to push new thinking. The goal was to destroy the family structure which is the most important culture foundation. That started in the 60s with the sexual revolution. Then abortion, homosexuals, transgenders, and now more variations than you can count are tearing apart the family. Marriage is now optional and divorce is commonplace. The traditional family no longer exists for a large part of our culture. That foundation has been destroyed.

Phase 6 – Destroy the church. Another bedrock of our culture is our morality and the church. Many churches have been turned into a fund raising propaganda meeting place making the same promises “government” makes. Life is good; prosperity is there for the asking. Just pray and what we tell you to do.

Phase 7 – Prey on the degraded morals of elected officials and judges to control them. Use of prostitution and pedophilia to blackmail these people has been a large part of the control they have been able to exert over the court system and government officials up to the highest levels.

Phase 8 – Develop a culture of government dependent people. Increase the welfare state and encourage the entitlement mind set. Make minor changes to the welfare system so that it becomes a trap that people can’t escape. Destroy the work culture so that people are looking for government to take care of them.

Phase 9 – Develop a climate of fear with accusations that we, the people, are destroying our environment which will mean the end of mankind. Develop a pandemic to fortify that fear and use it to drive the people to:

  1. Wear masks. This serves to dehumanize people. It engenders a feeling of loneliness and despair.
  2. Social distance – breaks the human bond that is essential to any culture.
  3. Take a vaccine – They have a proven cure. Vaccines are not needed. This vaccine is anything but a vaccine. It is an experimental gene altering concoction that has not been fully tested for safety and effectiveness. They know it kills and kills long term.

Phase 10 – Use fairness and emotion to develop sympathy for the less fortunate in the world. This will gain support for open borders to allow a horde of unskilled workers, terrorists and crimials into the country to further degrade the culture and allow for a ruling party to gain power.

Phase 11 – Gain control of the voting system. This has been developing for decades. Every level of the voting system has been attacked and taken over by hardcore communists and an indoctrinated populous. Barak Obama was given the victory by this fraudulent voting system. Hillary Clinton was going to the next president but the voting fraud did not take into account the massive populous vote that happened with Donald Trump. When that occurred, they increased the level of fraud which included:

  1. Adding votes to democrat candidates at the beginning of voting.
  2. Dumping votes into the system during the day.
  3. Changing laws so fraudulent mail in votes could be counted after the legal time frame.
  4. Stopping the voting near the end of the day to figure out how many votes were needed to win.
  5. Switch votes from Trump to Biden and add millions of votes to ensure the win.
  6. Ensuring democrat candidates won that would be needed to take control of the senate – i.e. Georgia and Arizona.

Phase 12 – After taking control of all three branches of government, fortify your position. Bring in the National Guard and install fences to prevent an uprising. Use the media to vilify the conservatives. Use a fake impeachment trial as a distraction to hide the real agenda which is fraudulently changing the law to implement Phase 13.

Phase 13 – The end game. Implement change to:

  1. Drive the country into so much debt that a depression will destroy the economy and the middle class – develop a elite/slave state.
  2. Restore communication with enemy states.
  3. Put in place laws to ensure the control of the voting system and ensure long term control/stay in power.
  4. Restrict travel to prevent an uprising.
  5. Reduce the population with gene therapy cloaked as a “vaccine”.
  6. Destroy conservative news outlets/media and conservative points of view.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This last phase will ensure the enslavement of the American people without a major bloody invasion and without a civil war. This last phase is not complete and we have a very short time to wake up and see what has happened and what will happen to us and our country. The time to mobilize and take our country back is now.                                                                                                                                                                              We can no longer depend on things turning out right. We can’t depend on our military stepping up and taking the country back. We can’t think we can vote ourselves a better future. We can’t depend on people in government doing the right thing. We can’t sit back and say “It must be God’s will.” Our sins have removed God’s blessings and evil has taken us over. We either let it happen or we stand up and put a stop to it. The left/socialists/progressives/Marxists/communists are counting on their programming of us to be successful and for us to be complacent and accepting. Are they right?"

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Sometimes I Get Surprising Tips

 Praise God... ! He is speaking in this day (AS ALWAYS) for those who Hear... who are His.

Of course... all are His, in a manner of speaking...., for He is the All in All.... Nothing, no one is outside His purview ... 

But... AND He... is still always....

Brief quick tip: because of the current (“CURRENT ”) machinations going on, within the “current “ brainstate (think electricity... enemy programming)..... You can (and i dare say should) use mental efforts to be positive... life affirming..... 

Tell yourself in your mind-talk ie., “I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise... and all those around me, love life and love God!”

(This is NOT the cheesy variety of , ie, “name it and claim it”  or novice “positive thinking” tropism...   nope.)

Because of the CURRENTLY mental, psychotronic ... “wifi” programming going on right now (intended to make you FEEL despondent, negative, self-loathing, defeated etc.)  .... you can and should counter with the positive mental/verbal affirmations that you are ... “happy, healthy, wealthy & wise”.... When your sleep is disturbed... as it is for so many now, in those ominous late night/early morning moments... REPEAT IN YOUR MIND, VERBALLY.... that phrase, or something akin, according to your needs. 

But that one will do, for starters!!!! Because IT IS TRUE!!! And you Know it!!!!

We’ve got deliberate psychotronic blocks and a lot of negative, dark, wicked programming going on right now....Electrical and occultic.... Supernatural and technical....

So! With that being known, even such basics as this (see above) suggestion will help....

 I dare say it’s  Authorized! Aaaand... yes i also dare say it’s sent of Messengers, behest of Holy Spirit ! 

Take it or leave it..... 

Just sayin, this is the latest I’ve Heard ... in these times.

More to follow.... God willing..... 

Love you.

Monday, February 8, 2021

It/They/"HeShe" Can't Take It Away!

Meanwhile.... STRIVE!  Why? Because The Spirit is speaking through, reaching through, grasping through . . . the noise and oppressive (multi-faceted) machinations that are impinging on your soul.  And so you will!

In the night, between the attempted "programmed" dreams . . . in those ominous, silent moments, where DEATH is staring at you.  Replace the negative thoughts, impulses, impositions . . . WITH POSITIVE LIFE AFFIRMING, LIFE LOVING, GOD LOVING impetus!  It's there.  He's there, here!

And He is Speaking through the gloom.

Gotta stay positive in THE HOPE of what you Believe and have Faith in......

It's not tawdry "positive thinking" tricks.  It's Real.  The hope of hopes!  All that there Is.  He is that He is.

No lowlife devil scum can take that away.  The Adversary CAN'T take it away, no matter the current illusions and misdirections, delusions.  Nope.

I believe I Know this.  And I'm sticking to it.

So will you!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Oh, And On The Spiritual Docket...

 Aaaaand.... Of course as usual (its my thing apparently, heh) ... I’m watching and taking in everything going on.... But I always wait on The relay, God willing... the Spiritual angle.... 

Soooo much noise and intentional distraction going on..  i like to be cautious and not just pop off..... A couple things I’ve been Impressed to get to... is what is going on in the dream state—something new is definitely going on there, and I’m tracking it.... Also, something like “the invasion of the body snatchers” is underway..... And, i still think the covid op is going to eventuate to the “big reveal”... yeah “contact” with the “aliens”..... 

The Central Problem

 “The central problem of our age is not liberalism or modernism, nor the old Roman Catholicism or the new Roman Catholicism, nor the threat of communism, nor even the threat of rationalism and the monolithic consensus which surrounds us. All these are dangerous but not the primary threat. 

The real problem is this: the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, individually corporately, tending to do the Lord’s work in the power of the flesh rather than of the Spirit. The central problem is always in the midst of the people of God, not in the circumstances surrounding them.”

--Francis Schaeffer

Brother Thomas ©2005

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