Wednesday, December 30, 2020

My Covid/Alien Connection Prediction, hmmm?

Ya know....I should be world famous for my heads-up prognostications.  But I'm glad I'm not!  I have always here wanted to go for QUALITY of reader/seeker/friend rather than QUANITITY of a lot of random (props) knuckleheads :)  I would rather just be over here in the corner with those who have eyes and ears and souls (many called FEW chosen types).

Anyway... If one might recall . . . right at the beginning of the "covid" spamdemic . . . on MARCH 13th I wrote a blog titled: "Covid33 & Fake Alien Invasion".  Who was linking Covid with "aliens" at that time?  Well, I did.  It came in an instance--something I've called earlier as a "flash vision". . . . (By calling it "Covid33" of course I was giving a "wink" . . . but, yeah . . . I find this new development in the narrative . . . notable, heh. . . . We'll see... "wink wink, nod nod" 👽

Just for kicks, here is what I wrote back in March, followed by a tidbit from a New York Post yesterday Dec. 29th, fwiw:


Bro T blogpost March 13th:  "So, I mentioned early on regarding this thing . . . that I thought it was a beta test for something bigger later.  I didn't get to it, but now will just for kicks.  Oddly, I've recently now heard others having (what I years ago termed) "flash visions" . . . "downloads" . . . who are suddenly popping out with the same idea. . . . Which leads me to think these are possibly confirms re what first flashed into my mind when this "global" "virus" psyop/beta-test started. . . .

What might be the big thing that "they"/it (I won't dignify the devil with a gender-specific proper pronoun, since he/she/it/they/legion etc., has made such a big point of that)--what might "they/it" be having in store for the next possible "go live" scenario?

My first thought then was . . . "DISCLOSURE" ... "Aliens" . . . . which is the equivalent of the 2nd Coming in "their" idea of the timeline.... They'll, of course purvey that our "creators" have RETURNED . . . to save the day! . . . . . . And I don't doubt "they" will try to time it according to old calendars and prophecies and expectations, etc., . . . .

Now, I'm not thinking this would be anytime super soon....  I suspect that for now, all the data from this scare will be grabbled and coalesced and analyzed with AI and the weeny boys, so as to "fine tune" for the BIG REVEAL when they (IF they actually CAN) get to that...

Remember!... As I wrote about here ... hmmm, about 10 years ago?... "THEY" are knuckleheads!  They are degenerate, evil-infested, weak, stumbling, self-hating/God-hating fools who love the darkness more than the light, so they are constantly making mistakes, BUT GOD is in charge, AND all their plans eventually backfire..., always.....

The only power and ability they get is from the self-centered rebel fool, Satan, Lucifer (the "light bringer" lol)... who is doomed/slated for destruction....

SUCH THAT Spiritually.... those who are with God--the ONE AND ONLY GOD--will continue on unfazed, unthwarted, non-diminished, strong, faithful, hopeful, trusting, real, divinely curious, intent, gracious and grateful.... OH HIS GOOD  ATTRIBUTES ARE ENDLESS!"

New York Post article Dec. 29th:  

Covid-19 Bill Started A 180-Day For UFO Disclosures

President Trump’s signature Sunday on the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill started a 180-day countdown for the Pentagon and spy agencies to say what they know about UFOs. . . . The report must also contain “[a] detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was derived from investigations of intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace … and an assessment of whether this unidentified aerial phenomena activity may be attributed to one or more foreign adversaries.”

Former Pentagon and legislative officials confirmed Tuesday to the publication The Debrief that the package begins the clock on UFO disclosures. . . .  Pope said that “the Pentagon’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is probably already drafting the report for DNI to send to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Questions remain about what the report will say and how much can ever be made public, given the highly classified nature of some of the material, but this is a step in the right direction.”


Heh, .... note . . . . "Pope" said. . . . .

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