Saturday, June 6, 2020

What's Going On With Children, et al

I want to talk about what's going on with children.... Children turning against their parents.  Some of you, I suspect are experiencing the Maoist "cultural revolution" (some old thing) going on right now.  Beside my own experience... I work in and around lots of households.... The disrespect and kow-towing to current psychological operations . . . that the kids are succumbing to ... is sad, pathetic, and exhausting.....

More on this in a bit.....

I commiserate... if you are experiencing this....  It is, of course, typical . . . of a Marxist takeover plan.... The ground was laid decades ago .... now coming to (rotten) fruition.  Stay strong oldsters!  This is nothing new.  It is soooooooo rote....  Sooooooo expected...... Disappointing (I hate that term... but it is apt, turns out)....

KEEP YOUR FAITH.. AND .... SENSE OF HUMOR.... AND ..... yeah... .you're own PERSONAL relationship with God.... !

It is dis-heartening..... yes..... but what's new?.... What's NOT new . . . is that . . . people (ie., kids) that you sacrificed and strove and studied and loved for . . . turn into mind-controlled knuckleheads... lol....

It happens..... Every generation..... Nothing new under the sun.

But damn.... you always wanna think... maybe... u might make the difference... but naw.....

Same as it always was.....

Same old thing.....

Nothing new.

BUT.... GOD is always new......

THIS is a battle between those who Know God, Jesus the Saviour, ....aaaaand.... those who just bumble about The World.....

There are only 2 roads.....

2 paths....

It is an individual affair....  YOU . . . have to deal with and know and talk to and understand and love GOD . . . one to one....................  All this diversion--socio-political, psychological, "religious", occultic, manipulative, passive-aggressive, sneaky, back-biting, psychopathic, stupid, etc., etc., stuff going on . . . . . . . . . . IS ALL A DIVERSION from YOUR relationship WITH GOD!

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