Wednesday, June 3, 2020

In The End

It hit me today, randomly among the orchestrated mayhem.... WHY they would let stores like iconic Macy's in New York, among all the other stores roundabout get looted....

It is because... we are going into the "new economy"... They (these old school stores) have a bunch of merchandise on their shelves . . . that no one was buying anyhow because of Amazon online shopping... Soooo this is a way .. to let the city folk let off steam, get some pay back for being effed with over the years AND they (the grabbley corporate store owners) get to collect on insurance.... re the merchandise AND ... going forward, there is no need for a "brick and mortar" building anymore, which  "covid" "proved... (intended) ...

It's all Agenda 2030 type stuff... .among other things... AND it is also a commi insurrection.. . But yeah... they don't need that "stock" anymore... the shopping downtown was already done anyhow... so this is a good excuse to accomplish several areas of "social/economic/political/psychological" change....

AND there is the insurance $ !!!! ... to cover the losses! Yay!

Yeah.. That's why the stand down.  It's all organized and orchestrated.  AND ... it goes to the highest levels.... AND... buckle up, prime up, we're just gettin' started (although they've been setting this up for decades...) it is going to get more intense and "wheat and chaff" separating ....

Who's your boss?  WHO IS YOUR GOD!? 

Don't let the worldly political shifting and shuffling throw you off from what/WHO you know that ONLY matters IN THE END.....

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