Sunday, April 19, 2020

Some Upsides

There are some great positives during this time.  For one, and I think the most important, this is a great opportunity to check your faith.  "Fear not" is mentioned, so it is said, 365 times in the Bible.  Worry and fear are NOT the province of a true believer.  Nothing wrong with strategic concern--but fear and anxiety are deplorable for the saved.  SO, if this "crisis" has put you in a state of worry, anxiety, fear, it is a good thing to note . . . and spiritually address.  It is a great test.  AND it is a superb time to observe and strengthen the depth and authenticity of your professed FAITH!

We are to be in the world but not OF it.  Our hope is not in worldly security.  This place, in its current condition, is not our home.  We musn't be attached to it or its promises of security.  There is no security except in The Saviour.  Now is a good time to check ourselves, where our hopes and fears TRULY lie, or lie.  There is but One to fear.  And that righteous fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Furthermore, the power of faith, once rediscovered and cherished, can be seen for the great power it is.  I have witnessed and experienced a profound and mystical (mystical: inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination) truth.  The power of faith has the properties of actually altering "physical" reality.  Circumstances, situations, material confluences seem to literally react to the depth and sincerity of the faith practiced.  A quick example in my own life . . . is that . . . I have worked for and by myself for a couple decades now as a simple painter (hey, Jesus was a carpenter).  I have never advertised.  For years and years now, I have not known where my next job or "paycheck" will be coming from generally beyond a couple weeks or days' time based entirely on referrals. There have been a few tight spots where I do start to sweat a bit.  But God has always provided.  A call comes in just when I need it.  The odds of this positive constancy are not, I dare say, possible without continuous divine care and attention.  It has been consistently obvious and, quite honestly a bit mind-blowing to witness and experience.   I have raised a family, 4 boys and wife, operating in this fashion.  Even now, when many have lost their jobs or have been highly curtailed at least, I have continued to be blessed with work.  It is never extravagant--I don't care for money, and there have not been any windfalls, BUT there has always been enough to get by.  I know this is from God and my faith in His reality and care has continued to be strengthened and clarified through the years by this (and of course in other ways as well).   

Another upside: Any time children are NOT in the wretched, Godless, perverse and destructive public schools, it is a good thing!  I can't believe anyone puts these precious little souls in these malevolent indoctrination camps--especially someone calling themselves a "Christian", but if they do, at least for a while, there has been a break.  And hopefully some have realized that home schooling is not so difficult after all and will NOT be sending their children back to be corrupted.

Also, people have been alerted to the real level of their preparedness--materially, psychologically, spiritually. . . . This will not be the end of "crises", woes.  This shock has caused people to consider just how precariously we exist in a present state.  Things can change radically and rapidly.  Now everyone, besides "preppers" and "conspiracy theorists", realize this as well through real experience!

And it has shown the actually SPIRITUAL condition of most "churches".  They obviously fear man more than God--those that have bowed to the secular government, putting their interest in their 501(c)3 status above the Biblical injunction to not "neglect the gathering of the saints"!  Any church that seeks to assuage mammon above God, is not worthy of the name or purpose of "the church".

And there are more upsides.  But these are few that have been coming immediately to mind. . . .

I will just add, as evidence of my own faith (which I was pleased to discover consistent in a "time of crisis") I have had not one moment of fear or anxiety during this tyrannical operation.  Some mild concern and disgust at the governmental machinations and the dire repercussions of their policies and actions . . . but no fear, and certainly about the supposed deadly "virus".


Mark said...

All flesh is appointed but once to live .

ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

I truly love checking in with you everyday! (I wish we could use emoticons here).

Yep. I posted a thingy about "FEAR" on my newly created Twitter.
So, yes, 2/3's of the people are living in FEAR. I believe it's because THEY don't have Yahweh in their daily lives and thoughts. Or, perhaps, THEY are just blind followers of the doctrines of man? Your guess is as good as mine.

I think it is a time, NOW, to be really circumspect. I think TPTB (AI) are going to figure out who's mentally controllable and who isn't. I'm very weary of anyone who wears a mask, refuses to shake hands with me or observes the social distancing thingy. I believe we are witnessing the spiritual (and physical) SEPARATION of lambs from the goats via this lock-down.

Over the years and through many supernatural experiences, I truly know that Yahweh and the Lord and His angels have kept me safe. And will continue to do so (that's faith). I'm not sure why because I've never been a goody-2-shoes (I've stumbled quite a lot over my lifetime here). But I've always been a strong believer and totally trust the Lord...

So, basically, my message here is for those who are sitting-on-the-fence. It's not too late to start developing a relationship with the Almighty. He loves 2 things greatly and a third one very much: Humility, Confession (all of your warts too) and a Contrite Heart.

Anyways, I got to run. Work calls.

Peace and many blessings to all,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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