Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Prepare To Die, God Rules

A lot of times . . . I don't write something here . . . because I assume I already have and you know and/or I expect you are already seeing what's up.

For instance, I meant to write (if I didn't--can't remember) that early on in this thing . . . I picked up that "they" are stoking, for real . . . a type of civil war.

Of course, we have been seeing and talking and anticipating this for quite a while. . . .

But as the ongoing developments of this particular attempt got under way . . . and the pressure upon normal people got increasingly ratcheted up . . . it looked clear that indeed, "they" are fairly well in turmoil and desperate, because regular folks . . . are "waking up" to the situation. . . . And so, they are intent now on stirring up the patriots, so as to have excuse to crack down.... Just like I said would happen.... It will carry on . . . until the "left" comes back into power (as if they ever left, lol) and uses all of the mechanisms now put into place by the "right".

SO, yeah,. . . "they" gotta keep the two sides hardened and pissed off more than ever against each other.  Oldest trick in the book.  Divide and conquer.

Sorry for them . . . while it may look like the alternative for a bit (hold fast, hold strong, have FAITH) . . . "THEY" DO NOT CONQUER!  No . . . not in the end.... "They" go to burning hell. . . .

Anyway, yeah . . . it's getting quite obvious . . . that they are so desperate now that they are going "for the gold". . . .


God Rules.  God Rules.  The end.

As always. . . .  Prepare to die.  Praising God Always!  Praise and love God!  God Rules.

1 comment:

Mark said...

And the Masonic organization's and The Norman's think they're going to own all this realastate .Ha,ha,ha, .God set a property marker long ago .And "they" think keeping it secret is going to work .I know where the marker is too and I don't keep secrets .God will follow through on his promises . God promised a land!

Brother Thomas ©2005

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