Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Prepare To Die, God Rules

A lot of times . . . I don't write something here . . . because I assume I already have and you know and/or I expect you are already seeing what's up.

For instance, I meant to write (if I didn't--can't remember) that early on in this thing . . . I picked up that "they" are stoking, for real . . . a type of civil war.

Of course, we have been seeing and talking and anticipating this for quite a while. . . .

But as the ongoing developments of this particular attempt got under way . . . and the pressure upon normal people got increasingly ratcheted up . . . it looked clear that indeed, "they" are fairly well in turmoil and desperate, because regular folks . . . are "waking up" to the situation. . . . And so, they are intent now on stirring up the patriots, so as to have excuse to crack down.... Just like I said would happen.... It will carry on . . . until the "left" comes back into power (as if they ever left, lol) and uses all of the mechanisms now put into place by the "right".

SO, yeah,. . . "they" gotta keep the two sides hardened and pissed off more than ever against each other.  Oldest trick in the book.  Divide and conquer.

Sorry for them . . . while it may look like the alternative for a bit (hold fast, hold strong, have FAITH) . . . "THEY" DO NOT CONQUER!  No . . . not in the end.... "They" go to burning hell. . . .

Anyway, yeah . . . it's getting quite obvious . . . that they are so desperate now that they are going "for the gold". . . .


God Rules.  God Rules.  The end.

As always. . . .  Prepare to die.  Praising God Always!  Praise and love God!  God Rules.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Some Upsides

There are some great positives during this time.  For one, and I think the most important, this is a great opportunity to check your faith.  "Fear not" is mentioned, so it is said, 365 times in the Bible.  Worry and fear are NOT the province of a true believer.  Nothing wrong with strategic concern--but fear and anxiety are deplorable for the saved.  SO, if this "crisis" has put you in a state of worry, anxiety, fear, it is a good thing to note . . . and spiritually address.  It is a great test.  AND it is a superb time to observe and strengthen the depth and authenticity of your professed FAITH!

We are to be in the world but not OF it.  Our hope is not in worldly security.  This place, in its current condition, is not our home.  We musn't be attached to it or its promises of security.  There is no security except in The Saviour.  Now is a good time to check ourselves, where our hopes and fears TRULY lie, or lie.  There is but One to fear.  And that righteous fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Furthermore, the power of faith, once rediscovered and cherished, can be seen for the great power it is.  I have witnessed and experienced a profound and mystical (mystical: inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination) truth.  The power of faith has the properties of actually altering "physical" reality.  Circumstances, situations, material confluences seem to literally react to the depth and sincerity of the faith practiced.  A quick example in my own life . . . is that . . . I have worked for and by myself for a couple decades now as a simple painter (hey, Jesus was a carpenter).  I have never advertised.  For years and years now, I have not known where my next job or "paycheck" will be coming from generally beyond a couple weeks or days' time based entirely on referrals. There have been a few tight spots where I do start to sweat a bit.  But God has always provided.  A call comes in just when I need it.  The odds of this positive constancy are not, I dare say, possible without continuous divine care and attention.  It has been consistently obvious and, quite honestly a bit mind-blowing to witness and experience.   I have raised a family, 4 boys and wife, operating in this fashion.  Even now, when many have lost their jobs or have been highly curtailed at least, I have continued to be blessed with work.  It is never extravagant--I don't care for money, and there have not been any windfalls, BUT there has always been enough to get by.  I know this is from God and my faith in His reality and care has continued to be strengthened and clarified through the years by this (and of course in other ways as well).   

Another upside: Any time children are NOT in the wretched, Godless, perverse and destructive public schools, it is a good thing!  I can't believe anyone puts these precious little souls in these malevolent indoctrination camps--especially someone calling themselves a "Christian", but if they do, at least for a while, there has been a break.  And hopefully some have realized that home schooling is not so difficult after all and will NOT be sending their children back to be corrupted.

Also, people have been alerted to the real level of their preparedness--materially, psychologically, spiritually. . . . This will not be the end of "crises", woes.  This shock has caused people to consider just how precariously we exist in a present state.  Things can change radically and rapidly.  Now everyone, besides "preppers" and "conspiracy theorists", realize this as well through real experience!

And it has shown the actually SPIRITUAL condition of most "churches".  They obviously fear man more than God--those that have bowed to the secular government, putting their interest in their 501(c)3 status above the Biblical injunction to not "neglect the gathering of the saints"!  Any church that seeks to assuage mammon above God, is not worthy of the name or purpose of "the church".

And there are more upsides.  But these are few that have been coming immediately to mind. . . .

I will just add, as evidence of my own faith (which I was pleased to discover consistent in a "time of crisis") I have had not one moment of fear or anxiety during this tyrannical operation.  Some mild concern and disgust at the governmental machinations and the dire repercussions of their policies and actions . . . but no fear, and certainly about the supposed deadly "virus".

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Who Do You Fear?

Yeah... fairly early on in this . . . seeing the unsustainability of the injunctions and the continued ramping up of social controls, against all common sense and actual evidence . . . I started to suspect an intentional provocation agenda.  As in, eventually, the people just aren't going to put up with it anymore. (Well, many will . . . those who don't think for themselves and have no Godly guidance) . . . but even regular folk, so-to-speak . . . were bound to get pissed and fed up and start the push back.  And I thought, hmmm . . . provoking the push back . . . could be a major goal of the whole charade (amongst other things)....

Now, indeed, right on schedule, we are starting to see the push back. 

We are now about to enter a very interesting and telling phase of the operation.

I DO know that . . . of the few churches that I'm aware of who HAVEN'T cucked . . . turns out . . . they are Reformed.  I'm "reformed" in my theology, as you know.  Reformed types are constantly getting trashed and are quite hated upon within "mainstream" Christianity I know, and have felt myeself. . . .

But look who actually has the b*lls to stand up to the overt tyranny and madness at a time like this.  There are a few others, I know. But I gotta say, I'm proud of my Reformed brethren . . . holding the line . . . when so many, so fast . . . immediately succumbed.

My friend, a Pastor locally . . . is the ONLY Pastor I know around these here parts who has continued PUBLIC WORSHIP.  Calvinist.  Reformed.  Tough as nails re the Truth.

Just sayin' . . . . Interesting to see who and who hasn't surrendered so far.  Most went down without a peep.  Sad.  Pathetic.  It says a lot about who fears who.  Do you fear GOD . . . or man?  The Truth of THAT fundamental, salvation question . . .  is being played out in real time . . .  and just getting started. Praise God.

Monday, April 13, 2020

FAITH in the One you know

STAY STRONG in THE FAITH . . . of THE ONE Who doens't turn on you . . . or ever throw you overboard . . . or backstabs . . . or calumnies . . . etc.!

FAITH in the One you know . . . . . .  is what is King right now. . . .

yes, "times" are getting wobbly....



And He is a friend . . . in the midst of the mayhem.  For real. Praise God.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Starting Now!

GOD RULES.  Jesus rose from the dead, having PERFECTLY satisfied The Father!  He was perfect in all His ways!  As a man He knows all of our sufferings, what we go through in this fallen world and is our friend, Master, Lord, Father, Holy Spirit! He is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent!

So Good!  So Great! So wondrously inconceivable!  Love of God unending. STARTING NOW!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Please Pray For The Few Holding The Line

I know there are some true prayer warriors here, reading this blog.... AND perhaps an actual angel (whether they are conscious of it or not:)...

If you see this in time, please pray for tomorrow . . . for my "pastor" of sorts who is going to be holding Easter church service . . . with a congregation. ... Defying the veritable martial law.... A brave man of God... carrying on.  His name is Jason Wallace . . . yes a Scot!  Feisty for the truth! ... Please pray for him tonight, tomorrow....

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Stay Close

I told u martial law would happen under "right wing".  I told u then "the left" would use the policies put into place thereof to great effect. 
But best, and most of all, I told you (as you know already)  that God is Supreme.

There is Light . . . in the darkness.

Thank God always!  Know God always!  Jesus!  THE one of all, who rose from the dead!

Stay True, stay close:)

Monday, April 6, 2020

What It Is

I did not write the explanation below regarding what a VIRUS is and is not, and an explanation of exacerbating factors such as 5G . . . but I think it is one of the best I've seen lately:

"Here's the simple explanation that even NPC's should understand! (a bit)
A Virus is NOT alive.
It is NOT like Bacteria (Strep) or Fungus (Warts).
It can NOT be transmitted from one person to another.
A virus is s 'string' of DNA or RNA.
These 'strings' are ACTUALLY produced by the cells in the body (Animal and Human) as a result of cellular toxicity.
The inner workings of almost EVERY cell are able to slice and chop MOST 'bad' bits inside the cell into smaller - non-effective bits.
These bits are then built up inside the cell and classed as "TOXINS".
When a cell is overloaded with toxins, (generally produced by the absorbtion of poisons in the bloodstream or exposure to radiation - which kills parts of the cell - rendering them useless) the cell tries to rid itself of the toxins by sending the destroyed or non-useful parts of the cell - OUTSIDE of the cell in order to maintain cellular function and eventually be expunged from the entire body.
It does this by ENCAPSULATING the toxins in a "CORONASPHERE".
This is a 'capsule' created by the body similar to a small ball with spikey bits on the outside which are able to attach to the outer cell wall.
These 'capsules' - "SUCK OUT" the damaged DNA/RNA of the toxic cellular parts (organelles) via the 'spikes' on the outer wall of the capsule, and then completely seal the 'toxic material' inside.
THIS IS WHAT A VIRUS consists of!
It is the result of the body destroying nasty bits in cells and encapsulating them in a container which is then (most of the time) ejected from the body via sneezing, coughing, shitting or pissing...
When the Bloodstream has a high 'Viral-load', and the body is in a 'generally poor' state of health, it is simply the build up of a LARGE amount of these 'toxic capsules', which inevitably results in the symptoms of a cold or 'flu' in order to EJECT these substances from the body.
SO - when people are being 'tested' for "CORONAVIRUS" they are being tested for the 'CAPSULES' which contain the toxins which EVERY PERSON produces. - And they are ALL in the form of a "CORONA"!!!
This is why they will NOT test everyone for COVID19 - because they know that EVERYONE IN THE WORLD will test positive, and that would NOT fit the narrative at the moment.
So then, what is the cause of the deaths from 'COVID19'?
The cause of death is the same as it has always been.
- Complications from 'seasonal flu'.
In addition, any areas utilizing the 5G networks have increased death numbers.
These areas include, but are not limited to WUHAN, SPAIN, ITALY, NYC, CRUISE SHIPS etc...
- ALL using 5G in areas of DENSE population.
So how does 5G assist in the numbers of dead from COVID19?
I'm so glad you asked!
5G operates at the 60 GHZ frequency.
At 60GHZ the RADIATION level of exposed individuals approaches that of a microwave oven.
Cellualar parts are literally being cooked.
This 'cooking' effect takes a little time - perhaps weeks, or a couple of months.
They are therefore toast as far as a cell is concerned.
So what does the body do in response? - it produces a shitload more 'coronas' to expunge the growing toxins from the cells!...
But wait!
There's more!!!
Hence the High demand for 'Ventilators' for "COVID19" ICU Patients.
You think that's all?? No WAY!
At 60GHZ, a phenomenon known as "ELECTROPORATION" happens.
This means that under 'bursts' of 5G at 60GHZ, the cellular walls create 'pores'.
These are similar to the 'pores' on your skin, but at a cellular level.
- Under 'normal conditions, the cellular walls prevent ingress of foreign material to the inside of the cell, but under bursts of 5G radiation, the ELECTROPORATION creates holes in the cell wall, allowing ANY AND ALL nasty bits floating around in the bloodstream to enter the interior of the cell - thus increasing the cellular toxicity level - thus requiring the creation of greater levels of the 'VIRAL' containment units in order to rid the cell of toxins.
Look it up.
Do some research.
The virus is a GOOD thing!
Does anyone wish to continue this exercise in "CRITICAL THINKING"??????????????"

Sunday, April 5, 2020

"The Battle Of New Orleans" Major Tom Reports

Here is a link  (see above). . . while it lasts . . . where I will hope GOD WILLING to be keep on keeping on.....

This particular "Ephemera" playlist (which should be one of several distinct types) will have any kind of random thing that I come up with at the moment it strikes... fwiw:)

Oh... and furthermore... did I mention the lovely lack of traffic?! Yes i did... so many knuckleheads obediently following (not orders) suggestions...staying off the roads thx! .

Sorry, that was a bit harsh... but must admit im diggin being a free man ... being polite, but still doin what i gotta do. Meanwhile... just now having run to the store to grab some Pure Vanilla Extract and Powdered Sugar for Lindsay ( who is making some sort of treat for our vegan jack and megs from LA)... i see that the “you gotta wear mask” social shame meme is gaining ground at the store.... which i , of course, despised and ignored ... at least for this trip.. HOWEVER... hah! U all should know by now i too love dressing up a bit..  so im kinda hoping it becomes “mandatory” lol... BECAUSE ... ive got lots of cool bandanas! And ... thats what i will wear... so i can look like 1903 era Southwest bandit! I look cool like that... so still no worries.... “Fashion... turn to the left, Fashion... turn to the right ... oooh fashion...”

Report from The Fortress Of Solitude

Lest you get the wrong idea, however, no I am not sitting around reading.  I find moments here and there.  Actually, have maintained staying normally busy working.  Over the years I have built good relationships with my paint clients.  For instance, one who I have worked for on and off for years owns several restaurants.  They are doing the take-out thing, but this turns out to be a good time to do some sprucing up within the restaurants, so I've been able to pick up some work there while they are "down".  Also some random other jobs where the people trust me in their homes to do a bit of painting.  So far, I've managed to carry on fairly normally and have been loving the empty roads and lack of the usual insane traffic our city has developed over the last several years (mainly from the influx of illegals and escapees from California).

Skylar, our deaf son who still lives at home with us, has worked at Costco for several years and has turned out to be invaluable for them.  He is a stocker and works in the middle of the night and early morning.  When this thing started, it was quite chaotic with the panic buying, but he is a beast and has helped keep the stock in good order.  He's a bit worn out from the increased and odd hours, but doing alright.

My oldest, Alexander is doing well with his family in Arizona.  Has a great church there.  Just as this "plandemic" was getting underway, he quickly shifted into starting a coffee-making company and has learned how to operate online.  He makes his own (high quality roasted beans!) as he has much past experience as a barista, roaster etc.  If anyone is interested in his brand, send me a comment--I'll provide link.  It's good stuff!  He always excels at whatever he puts his impressive mind to. . . . And the grandkids he and his wife have wrought, heh, are beautiful, cute and funny as heck and doing well.  They've always been home-schooled anyhow, so no big disruption there.

Jackson and his wife left L.A. where they lived doing music and such . . . and are back here staying with her family, keeping an eye on things in Cali, etc,, deciding when and if to go back.  Isaac, our Aspergersy boy is still home with us and, as always, is in good steady spirits.  He and I hopped our local basketball-court fence the other day to get some exercise/hoops in . . . no problem.  Stickin' it to the man!  We had a blast and I'm still sore from our several games of HORSE and one-on-one.

Wifey is doing well and holding up.  The bizarreness and sometimes emotional stress surrounding the various ongoing "plandemic" scenarios can get to her at times (as one would expect and hope from a woman, mom, wife) but we are staying positive and always looking for the positive angle. 

The dogs, The Bruce and Dude are, I think, sensing a bit of the unusual changes in some routines, but overall are happy as little furry clams, lol, with all the added attention, petting, comforting . . . and the weather is finally warming a bit, so walks around the block are back in vogue, which they love.

And that is a little bit of sharing re how we getting on here at "the fortress of solitude".  As mentioned previously, prayer and faith in God's grace, is ever present and stronger than ever, God willing.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Typical Mortal Life

Always reading. I never stop. 
Love the written word.
Have collected many old, now rare books for just such a time.
BUT, regardless have been reading them anyhow all along the way . . . since a child.

Currently, as one of several that I've managed to get to most recently . . . is this one I'm wrapping up now.  "The Great Events" by Famous Historians.... It covers the epochal time of 1800-1815.  Think (do you know?) of all the fantastic and seemingly apocalyptic and otherwise horrendous, magnificent etc., events that went down in that time period?  A lot!  People starved, were slaughtered, were mustered into 100-200 Thousand-man armies . . . fighting, leaving wives, children, arms blown off, legs amputated from canon-balls . . . revolutions (South America) . . . war, war . . . famine, plague. . . . 

Life went on.

We are quite coddled in our comfort and have (for the most part) no real, visceral understanding of the ongoing sufferings and conspiracies and calumnies and violence, subterfuge, death. . . .

This book just covers a (yes, fairly intense) 15 years . . . . . 

Meanwhile, I just finished 3 volumes of Napolean's valet's  memoirs... THREE VOLUMES.. day to day stuff roughly during that same time period.  Oh, before this, was my semi-annual re-reading of Plutarch's Lives.  I love that one and love to revisit.  Next (I'm on a Napoleon kick) is "Napoleon In Russia" . . . . Wow. What a story.  What drama.  What a tale.  

In perspective . . . (this is why I love reading history) this time we are in . . . is par for the course. Ha.

GOD and THE WORD . . . transcends it all and gives the proper perspective on all the various and shifting machinations, details . . . of what is . . . simply . . . a typical, mortal life.

More book notes to follow . . . .  fwiw:)

Corona Bowie Concert--Major Tom & The Moonboys

Friday, April 3, 2020

Amidst The Devastating Holiness....

That last post . . . is where the action is, for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear (as we know and love the phrase....:)...

But meanwhile, I can always chime in on, on-the-ground developments, so-to-speak. . . .

Obviously, certain of the "talking heads" are realizing this is a mass propaganda asymmetrical warfare assault. . . . And, that means . . . the people "on the ground" . . . in the "hood" . . . on the street, living day-to-day . . . have already figured that out. . . .

And thus, in their desperation it means the more "they" stoke the absurdity, the more they hope to provoke a "response"!  (To justify clamping down even more....)

 Like I said early on in these writings, and especially more recently . . . this is a combo of the Tutsi/Hutu civil war combined with Tienanmen Square. . . . (flush out and record/document/deal with the recalicrants etc)......
Beta test.

BUT . .. as always, it backfires. Because, guess who doesn't "win" in the end?  HA! 

So . . . patience, faith, love, trust, worshipful humble attitude submission . . . The Creator of All rules in the end.

Anyway, yeah, they are trying . . . to stoke civil war excuses, so as to be able to sweep in and take control of the situation (now that they've made a typical proper mess of it).
Problem is for them . . . most peeps are onto the game and are not falling for it--as far as "lashing out" is concerned. 
Oh, don't worry, we know they will hire some actors and use the now out-of-work hollywood specialists to cook up some sort of "patriot right-wing white-power blah blah blah" reactionary "reality show" resistance to identify the troublemakers and to hopefully diffuse the real and honest disgust mostly felt among the normal populace. . . .

This, I suspect start as the next phase fairly soon. . . .

As we know . . . when "they" get backed into a corner of their own making, "they" try to take it out on us and "make us pay"!, lol....
Which is what is all that's really going on right now......So tawdry . . . and lame. . . .

And . . . it always backfires--always ends up in smoke and fire and burning dissolution for them, a quick march to the burning eternal grave. . . .

They continue to flail. . . .  And it's typically annoying.  Yet also glorious.  It's the usual "battle of the ages".  It is the fight against "the invisible enemy".  And it is glorious . . . because God is the Author of All . . . and He loves and has purposes for His own.  The rest can (and will) go to Hell. 

Certainly you are not fooled.  And you have faith.  And joy . . . in the Resurrection, in the Victory. 

All else is paltry, weak, desperate details while the wicked continue to spiral . . . down.

God Rules.  AND, beware, He has a sense of humor, (I dare say) amidst His devastating Holiness and Glory and Beauty and Will.


As Relates To These Matters, New Powers

Just btw.... I feel no fear whatsoever.  Nor stress. I don't worry.  I don't regret and I don't ever make a mistake.

Wait. . . . Did I just say "I don't ever make a mistake"?  Well, yes, of course ME, MYSELF AND I DO/does make endless mistakes. . . . BUT, since I am submitted to God and trust in His Goodness and care, . . . yeah, no, I don't make mistakes, because HE is perfect and never makes mistakes!  So long as I am submitted to His will (and I know it ain't easy, and is a nuanced realization which DOES take constant reminding and practice) I CAN'T make a mistake!  Because HE never does, has or will!

I'll tell you this also. . . .

Prayer and faith right now, regarding their power as weapons against the darkness ARE OFF THE CHARTS!  Praise God!  We are in a battle. War.  Same as it ever was, including, in this dispensation.

The weapons and armor of God . . . are sure and fast . . . and effective.  They are a faith-building gift that we can AND WILL use.  No doubt, some of you are re-discovering, finding and using them now in new ways, praise God!

But especially, I've noticed as of late . . . to the same degree that the darkness and wicked tyranny is ramping up--SO IS IT, that God, our Lord, The Creator, Father of All . . . also provides His own with equally (and more) powers, tools, weapons, blessings . . . to deal with the situation!  "Reality" is not quite as "mundane"  and  stodgy and "literal"/"material" as it seems.  Hence, the wizards and witches know this and do all sorts of mischief messing with "reality" via their spells and agendas and all the other tactics they learned (from demons) to employ and . . . control others (the world) . . . . .

One of their early schemes was to blind the eyes of would-be believers against JUST HOW POWERFUL the human soul is, for better or for worse!  They created the "scientific" "material" schema regarding how to interpret "the world", "reality" in order that you do not know how malleable and effected by spirituality (from either side) this reality is.

For us, it is through the prayer . . . faith . . . salvation . . .  that God gives . . . to His Children, where WE find our weapons and armor.  SOOOOOOoooooo POWERFUL!  Especially now it is easier (through His mercy) to sense and apprehend.

Indeed, right about now, it appears (and the proof keeps stacking) that He has "upgraded" the abilities of The Saints, as relates to these matters. . . . :)

Love God!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

In Times Like These

In times like these (as any) you've got to "lean not unto thine own understanding".
In times like these (as any) you've got to "lean not unto thine own understanding".
In times like these (as any) you've got to "lean not unto thine own understanding".

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and in your ways ALWAYS acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Brother Thomas ©2005

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