Monday, September 30, 2019

Everything Is The Same

ohhh.. I've been building up to this one.... It's so heavy.... It's something I dare say, among men, it really hasn't been seen/addressed before.... Not the way it's been revealed to me.  It could be my big thing........

Personally, (could be wrong, of course) I think it is one of the more profound analysis of this situation/reality/spiritual life . . . that anyone has ever clarified!  BUT .. I also know, that despite all the reading of histories and scriptures I've done, I may have simply not read it before, thinking I have an "original" thought--

And knowing nothing is new under the sun, likely . . . well, no doubt, it HAS been addressed.  Though I'm suspecting not lately....

Anyhows, not at this point, at this time, in this way . . . . So far as I've seen anyway,.....

Gimme a sec... The Spirit has gotta be in it before I blurt it out...  But i do declare, it could be something......

And it probably ain't what you might think (unless you're Spirit-led) . . . . . 

At very least, an interesting SPIRITUAL proposition. . . .


[stay tuned for "everything is the same" theory] In God.

[clue... hence the hyper-demonic drive for "egalitarianism" . . . to mimic WHAT ACTUALLY IS! UNDER GOD~!

:) back in a bit

1 comment:

Lee in TN said...

Blessings to you Bro T! May God give you the clarity and vision you need for this timely word...

- Lee

Brother Thomas ©2005

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