Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Believe me . . . I am watching everything that is going on... I PREDICTED it .... described in detail... nuances, et al....
NOW ... we are here....

Soooo, all I'm doing right about now. . . .  is figuring out how to navigate it in real time........and continue to relate . . AND HAVE FUN.... God is fun, and don't let any crimp tell you otherwise! ("crimp" lol... i just made up a new descriptive, hah!  "Crimp" is a new term, I just decided, for demonic imps that nag and harass . . . and crimp your Godly style....)

Anyhow.  Few have been as accurate re what's going on (in all respects) . . . and i know it...

And I am the invisible man... apparently ...   .. no worries... GOD RULES...

I love God, believe in God . . . and will be ongoing, being as Godly as is humanly possible.... which is all we can do, btw.... because GOD rules! . . . . and He makes the rules. . . .. Thank God! :)

No fear... (well, yes, my human side is naturally, occasionally, somewhat constantly, fearful for loved ones AS IT SHOULD BE. . . . but in General... nope... NO FEAR!  I hate despair.  I hate defeatism.  I hate evil.  This is Good . . . to hate evil and it's/his trope fear and defeatism, btw!. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Anyway, . . . . One reason . . . i've been a bit , eh, sporadic these past few years . . . re continuing communique's to the blessed saints. . . . . is because . . . it's getting (as expected!) complicated re . . . communication. There is the satanic algorithmic shidazzle and all, etc.. . . .. PLUS... since I'm not and haven't sold out . . . . "IT" (ol' scratch) makes it hard to just survive . . . so he/it keeps me so busy . . . well . . . . you know what I mean.... It's rough sometimes . . . juggling all the things ... ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU LOVE GOD IN A GODLESS WORLD!  AND YOU/I WON'T SELL OUT! 

HA! But that ain't despair, mentioning the fight... that's just the way it is and has always been,....since the epic Garden fail.....

God wills all, so I got no complaints....

Believe me, I am just getting started... and especially now... with what's up . . . with re where we are quickly (expectedly) at. . . . .

Thank you, btw!... .the two or three or several of you . . . who have stuck around:) . . .. .  My work speaks for itself . . . and that includes my beautiful, bitchin', God-fearing family that we've reared..... We have always been in the heat of the battle. . . . . and, so, having a fondness for warriors.... will continue to be!.... AND JUST ABOUT TO GET STARTED . . . . on figuring out . . . how to be . . a .........................................b e l i e v e r . . . in these times of rampant . . . . evility..... and . . . . desperate (loser based) a l g o r i t h m s (commi dictator psychopaths)....

[eFtheDvl.......and it's sleazy, weak, pathetic, grovelling . . . minions--y'all fools r done--praise God!]

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