Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Mandela Effect, pt 1

The "Mandela Effect" is interesting.  I experienced--along with my wife at the same time--before I'd heard of it.  I'm not sure it even had the name yet, "Mandela Effect".  My wife and I both recall in the early 2000s seeing a news report that Ian Mckellon (the actor who plays Gandolf in the Lord Of The Rings movies) had died after the first of the trilogy of movies were made, and them wondering who might take over that rold.  We were then startled later to see a news item claiming that Ian Mckellon had signed on again to play Gandolf in the 2nd movie.  He hadn't died.  We both were like, "wait, I thought he died!"

Then, we experienced the classic one for which "the effect" is named.  When it was announced that Nelson Mandela died (2013) I remember commenting, "Huh, wait....I thought Nelson Mandela died a while ago.  I remember the big funeral and news coverage!"  My wife thought the same thing.

Since then there have been more and more strange cases--the classic "Berenstein/Berenstain Bears, the Monopoly man monocle, Forest Gump's "life is/was like a box of chocolates" etc. Here is a link to ten top Mandela Effect examples:

A recent one I learned of really blows me away.  From the movie "Field Of Dreams" you recall the famous line, "If you build it, ____________"?  If you filled in the blank with "they will come", guess what?  You're wrong.  That was apparently NEVER in the movie.  Although nearly everyone remembers the line "If you build it, THEY WILL COME."  But actually, it is now (in this "reality"), "If you build it, HE will come"!

Here's a good YouTube channel that documents a bunch of the ME's occurring in popular music, such as in Queen's song "We Are The Champions" where the last line, as most of us "remember" it went, "We are the champions . . . OF THE WORLD".  But actually, "now" there is no "of the world" at the end and never was . . . even though many remember it that way.

Anyway, I believe there is indeed something to this Mandela Effect.  I don't think it is just a matter of people mis-remembering things.  I've heard most explanations having something to do with the idea of multi-verses, parallel realities etc.  People will say, "well I guess in THIS reality or parallel universe" Forest Gump doesn't say "Life is like a box of chocolates" . . . he says "Life WAS like a box of chocolates."  But that doesn't really explain why, if a person remembers it as "A", but now in THIS reality it is, ie., "B"--why a person would ever have a memory of it being "A"?  If the person is now in a parallel universe/reality . . . it would seem that there would be NO memory of it ever being "A".  So, some suggest that we are actually shifting between parallel ie., realities/universes, so that yes, we have a memory of the reality where it was "A" . . . but now we are in a reality where it is "B".

Many who follow this phenomenon blame it on CERN and the experiments there messing with the "fabric of time" etc.,--where they are ie., warping and weakening the "veils" that separate different parallel realities in the "multi-verse."  Based in my Christian Biblical beliefs, however, I do not believe in the "multi-verse" or "parallel" slightly and endlessly differing "realities."  I believe there is one reality.  ONE (so-called) "universe" (though I am not so convinced of the standard description of "the universe" either, but that's a different issue. . . . )

Regarding CERN, by-the-way, at the same time I believe I got a "flash-download"/"vision" regarding the Mandela Effect (as I was pondering it) I also got an interesting "vision" of CERN.  Perhaps it was just a surmise, an idea--but what I saw was that CERN is not at all what people claim it to be--neither those working with it, nor those conspiracy theorists who purport that the vast "particle physics laboratory" is all about creating portals, ie., into other dimensions, ie., to bring in demonic entities.  What I "saw" (though I'm not convinced of it, and have no way to know for sure) is CERN is actually a big, massive scam.  Much like the moon landing--it is little more that an elaborate set--something like a movie set, where no such incredible experiments are going on at all.  I saw it possibly being a complete fraud, designed to draw millions and billions, trillions even!, from unwitting, participating countries--the mind-boggling amount of money used for more earthly and typically devious (and yes demonic) purposes.  But that is a side issue and not the point of this piece, which is specifically dedicated to a theory, a possible explanation of the Mandela Effect. . . .

WHICH IS PROMISE TO GET TO SHORTLY... I've laid a bit of groundwork here--must be off to work, but will asap (and I mean SOON) get to what I think the Mandela Effect might be.  And my suspicion, unfortunately, is more disturbing and ominous in its implications, than any of the other explanations/theories I've heard.  Though, there is always hope, as I believe also, that those led and born of the Spirit, are protected from the insidiousness of the program. . .

Back shortly (I promise!) ....

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

A very great introduction. I haven't reviewed material about this subject for quite some time though. Of course, there are discrepancies in scripture where words have been substituted; such as, bottles for skins to contain wine. My personal observation has to do with geography. I've always "remembered" that the west coasts of the USA and South America laid on a very close approximate of the same longitudinal line. Now, South America is "positioned" half ways to Africa, and its longitudinal western line is almost exact as the east coast of the USA. Go figure???

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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