Thursday, August 1, 2019

Blessed Patience!

AND I'M GONNA SAY IT! ... thank you... those still tracking!.... There's been an ongoing thread of commentary and observation and reporting since the beginning here.. It's ain't done by a long shot:)...

I will be providing detailed, long, in depth reports.... As you might have noticed... btw... I was early concerned about the censoring... and shut downs... made moves..... so far so good...  and,  so.. am trying to navigate that ongoing . . . and anticipating what is coming.. AND NOW IS IN FULL EFFECT... yet, ... note... so far.. I'm still here... (I'm a smart navigator:)... praise God!  THREADING  digital, AI, algorithmic, psychotic, wicked needles... is the lay of the land....
God willing.... Will continue carrying forth... Thank you again for your blessed patience! :) bro t

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