Monday, February 18, 2019

The New Left Truther Freedom Fighters

I believe it was the first show I ever did with Z...2004?5?....A while ago anyway.  I talked about the dangers I'd found studying The Urantia Book and I warned that communism was alive and well and to expect Russia to become the darling of the "right wing"/patriot movement.  Russia would position eventually to be seen as the champion (of all things) of freedom, liberty--made out to be the rescuers from the "evil New World Order".  I predicted that many genuine conservatives, patriots, militia types would actually be supportive of and looking to Russia to "save America".  I dare say my prediction/warning (and yes it was and remains a WARNING) has panned out quite aptly.

Well, I just "saw" a new, startling development toward that end. . . . Got a "download" shoveling the endless snow we've gotten around our house! (good exercise, though)....

"Alt-right", "conservative", "truther", "patriot" websites, channels, blogs etc. are, of course, as is well known now, being censored--taken offline, obliterated.  As this trend continues there will be an increasing dearth of so-called "truther" content and information, exposes and updates. 

Watch who will fill the gap, I suspect. . . . I expect to see the new hard left socialist/communist freshman and other left-wing politicians and pundits . . . so start preaching about--you guessed it-- (secret government involvement in) "9/11", perhaps "Oklahoma bombing" . . . maybe even JFK and various other "conspiracy theories" that were once the sole province of the so-called "alt-right" and conservative/truther/patriot talk shows and investigations. . . .

This will capture the now wandering "truther" hordes who have lost many of their beloved sites, pundits etc. to censorship . . . and before long, you will see onetime virulent "anti-communist" patriot and militia types increasingly sympathetic to a "revolutionary" cause and public figures are openly calling out things like 9/11 etc.  Along with this, Russia will be seen as the center of the "freedom fight". . . against the NWO , coordinating with these new "left-wing" "truth-tellers" rising up through the ranks. . . .

Just sayin' . . . watch out for this, do not be fooled.

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