Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Geo-Weather War & Borg-like Experiences

Weaponized geo-weather. . . . Full scale, on all fronts the assaults go on.  Depending on each locale--what the "weakness"/predilection in a geographical area is--THAT is what will be used as the mode of attack.  In many places it will be fires, explosions. . . . The coasts get weaponized storm surges, "increasing" sea levels, killer waves. . . . Where I am, right now, it is snow; relentless weaponized "styro-snow" (this is not normal snow and besides it's bizarre consistency it also brings strange and disturbing health effects--which only makes sense as it is loaded with all the spraying that goes on over the ocean and west coast and collects more going across the west, then dumps on us). . . . In outlying, rural areas, besides fires there will be water shortages, water contamination . . . increasingly to force those populations to the cities. . . . Tornadoes, hurricanes, drought in other areas.  Also increasing earthquakes in earthquake prone areas--some to knock out failing dams. . . . Overall it's geo-weather wars designed to drive the populations (that aren't killed in the process) into the increasingly electrified/frequency-loaded "smart cities". . . . Non-compliers will be targeted with g-stalking and directed energy body/mind control/punishment.  This is already underway and where there is not individual-specific targeting, there is general population targeting where certain areas (ie., whole towns, certain neighborhoods, building complexes etc.) get a universal array of various mind and body-affecting frequencies. . . .

Fun stuff . . . not!  We are being warred upon--civilians the targets. . . .

On the flip side, there are some Borg-like experiences and abilities I'm discovering and continuing to monitor.  A new level of something like telepathy, connectedness of consciousness with others--reading of minds in public places, almost as if everyone's thoughts were being broadcast as if each person were a sort of living "cell tower". . . . There are some other abilities--somewhat and seemingly "superhuman" that are arises at times--a sort of "super"-mind capability.  I don't know if these are localized (specifically happening to me and certain others I'd assume) OR they are ubiquitous and simply part of us all being bathed in ie., "electro-magnetic-microwave" frequencies (within and without). . . . It also may be that it is NOT a part of that at all and is a spiritual gifting of sorts, provided by the Spirit as antidote to, and amelioration of, the various and multi-layered diabolical assaults underway. . . . I will continue to monitor and report my impressions and analysis. . . .

God bless, keep praying, toughen up as able, keep the faith!

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