Monday, January 14, 2019

Portents and a Preface

I've got another "report" coming, fwiw....:)

Something ominous this way comes, and, well, has well begun....

Some clues in the meantime. . . . Recall, long before the studies were done and analysis and the tech info leaked, I spoke of "nano-bots" in the chemtrails in an early interview with Z.  I warned of "electronic fencing" . . . of "tripartite layering" mimicking the Trinity . . . of "demonic flashing" . . . of "the end of original thought" . . . of "the day of slaughter" . . . and wrote of a dream I had of "fire pouring down from the sky" . . . etc.  I wrote and spoke of these things a good 10-12 years ago.  At that time I was getting near constant "downloads" . . . dreams . . . bundles of insight/foresight. . . .These things are happening now, and about to get much, much worse, just as feared and warned of.  I will go into more detail asap. . . .

Quick note re political scene.  Let us hope T does NOT use "emergency powers".  One of my early concerns and predictions, before T was even on the scene, is that it would be a "right"-leaning pres who would implement martial law and employ "emergency powers".  The problem with that is that once those are put in place (because of justifiably concerned public demand) . . . they will REMAIN in place when (as I predicted) the Left re-surges and takes back full power.  Then all those "executive" powers will be used within the martial law/emergency context . . . to do things like, suspend 2nd amendment, 1st amendment, 4th etc.  It will be gulag America with a Stalinist now at the helm. . . .

Good news amidst the doom, is that SPIRIT cannot be captured or defeated via the occult-tech weaponry. . . . That is the citadel of protection. . . .

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

An "electric fence." I listened to a guy on YT, and he was talking about the 5G technology and called it an "electronic panopticon." So very true. Of course I had to look this word up to get its meaning, and it makes sense.

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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