Wednesday, January 30, 2019

polpots dont laugh

Big "attacks" going on . . . pretty much full time now... keep the Faith... stay strong, stay positive... knowing the ending from the beginning... Faith is key, in these times.... They will mess with your head... Faith is outside of that.... Faith is something you KNOW.... deep, in the stomach, in the soul.... Hold on, hold out.... Stay steadfast, and as dire as it is... don't lose your sense of humor!... Note how, the totalitarians destroy humor.... True humor is rooted in the truth....and FAITH... because you can watch all the madness, and, KNOWING THE END FROM THE BEGINNING.. .not get too paranoid or flustered... (keeping a flask of . . . intelligent . . . savvy . . . humor along for the ride.... ) Yeah, it's gonna get as bad as I ever suggested, predicted, thought . . . it would be... WELL, it already is! Lol.  Don't lose Faith! You know that you KNOW! ... The Truth!

(Note, humor does NOT obviate . . . the sacred. Our Lord is an awesome, loving, smiling, severe Lord. . . . Deep. Complex. Real. . . . including the full range of emotions.... NOT like the polpots who seek to stamp out ev3erything  . . . but submission to state!)

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