Sunday, December 23, 2018

Managing "Segments"

I stumbled across a draft of something I wrote back on Feb. 9th 2019 I believe (see below).  I don't think I ever published it . .  not sure.  It is a bit obtuse in places, but I think interesting in others where I anticipated the "new normal" subversive "up is down, down is up/good is bad, bad is now good" socio-political-spiritual world we are now experiencing.

[Original draft Feb. 9, 2019] 

[Note: I’m using the term “segments” loosely.  It’s not a clinical term—just something I’m roughly using for the general purposes of this communique]

Everything is broken into segments, files.  Within your consciousness—your thoughts and the emotional triggers wrought by them.  Segmented . . . so that this way your psyche can be compartmentalized (as happens deliberately with trauma-based torture of victims).  Everyone is being gangstalked—if not with actual live actors, then with algorithms, psychotronic waves, frequency manipulation directed to the “identity”—your, specific imprint; your overall electro-chemical-psychic imprint—run by A.I. computers, linked to the systems (in the sky, ether, Tesla). . . .
Anyway, your central observing position (the center of your self-conscious awareness/soul) must step back . . . get back further away from all the (now) remotely controlled “segments”.  You can go WITHIN any of the segments, but they do not interact with the other segments in the same organic way as use to be normal.  Before, the various “interests”/personalities lurking within our general psyche were naturally, organically, God-intended INTEGRATED.  Now they have managed, through something like a directed electro-magnetic-chemical combine, to fracture apart our “ego”, identity, central personality.

BUT since we also are spirit, their mechanisms can only go so far.  Truly, one must retreat to a deeper self-consciousness—to the real, spiritual core of our unique, Created individuality/soul.  You don’t want to get hung up in any one of the segmented parts of your personality where they can (through automated A.I. “etheric” control) corner you and take control, via that particular segment.
At the same time, you still need your segments—interests, needs, concerns re certain parts of your personality (ie., your artistic interests, your pragmatic interests day-to-day concerns, your “spiritual” side, your political interests, your family duties etc.).  They are all a part of life, of your life.  
So, for now, and at the start, there are two things to look to, re maintaining a good semblance of self-autonomy. . . .

One, is notice the segment control going on within you.  Notice how different parts/interests of your personality are now generally separated out. . . . They are no longer naturally integrated.  Notice this (I believe) fact.  Get your center of awareness stepped back, withdrawn away deeper, more inner . . . so that you can maintain a healthy, spirit-based objectivity about the whole operation (the psychotronic mass mind control program going on).

You can’t make good decisions if you are cornered into one of their programs—remotely controlled “segments” within your existence.

Second, one ought learn how to utilize “counter-segments”—parts of your internal interests/loves/meaningful memories/lessons from the PAST.  Note:  When dictatorship comes in, it likes to erase or alter the past straightaway.  Ie., Pol Pots beginning his reign, demanding all recognize “it is now the year 0!  History past is to be hated, obliterated.  Only from NOW on is what matters!”  

So, by you FIRST going to a segment from your past, you access the deeper parts of your being/ego/identity/personality/soul that were and still are integrated in the previous normal way.  By going there, at least for now, their tech does not quite extend.  But you need to learn how to go in—inhabit for a time—but be able to get out.  The day-to-day will inevitably be being run on the general new mass psychotronic platform.  But no need to panic.  Most of it is just rote, pragmatic functioning stuff.  You need to choose your battles. There is little leeway, day-to-day, moment-to-moment, so you gotta be yourself as DIRECTED as possible (though, honestly it has a by-the-seat-of-the-pants mode/feel to it, haha!)  In order though, to stay as much apart as possible (from the mass programming) one can go deep and quick into an old interest/love/passion/memory/purpose. . . . 

Then you stay in there to the point you (almost) fully inhabit that memory time/interest.  A concrete example that I’ve been testing is my plunge back into rock’n’roll.  That includes my mindset (segment) of when I was a young boy and teen and loved, loved, loved music—all kinds, but especially “rocknroll” and all the glamour and energy surrounding it.  Now, note . . . this can LOOK like you’ve gone off the rails, heh.  But it’s necessary to (relatively) fully invest in the “passion”.  BUT, you’re always maintaining your objective perch from that deeper, spiritually connected point of self-awareness that I mentioned earlier.  

There are fake impulses that lead down dark alleys, which they’ve already set-up/programmed to receive you.  Since they seem to have blocked off the usual/normal electro-chemically/spiritual connections we have and whereby our minds communicate with the Spirit, using a kind of “electronic fencing” . . . then some more subtle and indirect routes need to be found, recognized, utilized in order to stay in touch with God.  Of course, God willing, we will and do “stay in touch” . . . but I suggest part of that methodology includes note-takers and expositors at a given stretch of time.
Sorry, not meaning to be too cryptic, obtuse. . . . It’s just the nature of the situation right now.  The tech is blocking and thwarting . . . so, best to nab things on the intuitive level, where Spirit still reigns supreme.

[I will, God willing, continue to expound and suggest as able and inspiredJ ]
[p.s. we are witnessing the public roll-out of official g-stalking as a matter of course . . . a new social norm.  The current president is being openly gstalked.  We are all witness and many are eager participants.  Also through the modes of social media, where, if you contravene the “official” view thru comments—you are immediately gstalked, ostracized, shunned, isolated.  We are all being "trained" to . . . keep our heads down. One has to learn to operate within this ubiquitous new social control.  There’s no escaping it through old-fashioned means.  One ought stay up to date re the new ways of adaptation. . . . more tips to follow, God willing . . . and the creek don’t rise]

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

WHOA. I've been pondering and wondering about a lot of things lately. And for some "odd" reason, I've been revisiting a lot of memories from my past. I'm assuming that others are going through their own personal "dressing-down" experiences also. The weird thing is that I'm also picking up on weird "vibes" from a few certain people I've known from the past: It's like something is slightly "off" within these past acquaintances. I get these intuitive triggers of danger from them.

I've heard some generalized stories about China regarding their ghost cities and their social-profiling scoring system. The Chinese people are in a total social lock-down mode. Monitoring there is very extensive: There are more surveillance cameras per person than the UK. The ghost cities aren't really ghost cities at all. They are in place for select foreigners (Americans) when the elite here give the "signal" to burn down Babylon (America). One specialized website even claims that the USA will have a population of less than 50,000,000 by 2025.

I just wanted to throw out some of this sideline info for others to research for themselves. Some of this info can be found via Netflix movies of the dystopian flavor. Movies tend to predict some future happenings.

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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