Monday, December 7, 2015

Some Old (Prescient?) Posts

 Below are some interesting old posts I made here. 

--Posted 3-22-07
"....there [will] continue a swing to the left (which started with the last congressional elections and is now moving into full motion) . . . . and an ascendancy of the left for a time . . . . which is when the dangerous time will likely begin . . . . That will be the perfect time for the “t” word (terrorism) to happen in various cities, I suppose . . . accusations following of “see, we handed it over to the liberals and look what happened–” . . . . followed by the final hammer down, so-called “rightist” reaction of the police state/martial law . . . . . ."

--Posted 2-18-08
". . . . the general ramp up in gun violence is being fomented, triggered, because the left is again coming into ascendancy and they will be able to pick up the issue (gun grab/control) in relation to spates of mass (gun) killings...........ALSO watch for maligning of "militias" and "talk radio" again to further marginalize the "patriot", legit "conservative", nationalist factions....."(Feb. 18th, 2008)

--Posted 6-26-08 
"I . . . see a hard swing to the left, followed by the long-anticipated "next shoe to drop" ("another 9-11" type event) . . . . or series of terror attacks, during the left-wing regime; then finger-pointing "see what happens when you elect liberals", followed by the final hammer and swing back to a hard-line police state . . . . .

--Posted 10-18-08
"Looking at how things are shaping up, and just using basic analysis . . . it is easy to see the race-baiting and stirring of the pot, re the classes and races and gender . . . just as the Marxists always do when fomenting revolution and takeover . . . . It always eventually turns violent. Agent Provocateurs are used in all such revolutionary moments to both impugn the opposition, and to cause trouble in order to give pretext for heavy-handed police state crackdown . . . . .

 It's easy to see the stoking of the fires of rebellion, revolution, civil war on both sides . . . being stoked from behind the scenes . . . the people, easy pawns . . . . . and this is always how it goes, when the final gloved fist comes crashing down.

 And those are my current musings on the upcoming fiasco, er, election . . . and the likely surging civil disorder thereafter . . . . . revolutions aren't ever too pleasant for the average bloke just wanting to be left alone and conserve what was before . . . ."

--Posted  11-9-08
 "It was proffered that the new executive would bring a lessening of terrorist activities and acts ......
now begins the long expected terror attacks on "the homeland", plus an increase and widening field of "terroristic" activities throughout the country and world"

--Posted 11-26-08
"They--the nihilist, Satanic Marxists, have laid the foundations . . . and are now pulling the "triggers" to pit group against group, race against race, gender against gender, religion against religion, etc. in their devious and diabolic strategy of fomenting as much discord, violence, terror, chaos, hate, resentment, revenge, murder, thievery, rape and destruction as possible . . . to break ALL INTO BITS, so as to be ready to reassemble the world's people, life, beasts . . . into THEIR IMAGE . . . the image of THE BEAST."

--Posted 1-14-09
"Get ready also, now the Marxist/revolutionary coup d'etat is in the mopping up stages . . . consolidating the money into central authority/hands . . . . NEXT, the front will shift heavily to the cultural and spiritual battlefield . . . . . It is about time for the maligning, STRONGLY and viciously of "patriots", "fundamentalists", "right-wing reactionaries", "constitutionalists" etc., and so, expect that some things will be staged, agent provocateur style . . . to make some supposed "right wing extremist" "Christian-patriot" look like a terrorist or an enemy of the state. . . . freedom of speech will be taken down ... along with freedom of worship and the right to self defense . . . . But especially, on the culture front . . . ANYTHING and EVERYTHING which still maintains a vestige of the "old America" . . . will be assaulted, attacked, smeared, undermined, infiltrated, debased, torn-down, targeted, and ultimately made to be seen as the enemy of "progress" and "change" . . . . . .

This is the time when a prediction of mine, to watch for some patriot group or church group . . . to be set up to do something abhorrent, to start painting the face of terrorism as.... you got it, Christians, patriots, secessionists, etc., Homegrown, domestic terrorism, in this form will be the enemy, not so much Mid-east types, though, like with McVeigh, they will try to tie them all together .... Nazi's-militias-right wing-Christian-patriot-Mid East terrorist- ..... all the same.... that will be the mind control operation .... tying that all together as the enemy of "hope and change" . . . . . . .

Be prepared for culture attacks in your children's schools, against churches, in the media, on TV, in song, EVERYWHERE .... the onslaught will be harsh and constant . . . . . ."

1 comment:

Mark said...

They will never see the God they dont beieve in comming.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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